AMENA Elective Courses

Below is a list of AMENA elective courses for Fall 2018:


1. INS 1008 Introduction to Global Studies
2. ANTH 1050 Cultural Anthropology
3. ENG 1017 Introduction to Postcolonial Literature
4. HIS 1018 History of Modern Middle East and North Africa
5. WREL.1014.02 Intro to World Religions
6. ARB 1001 Introduction to Arabic I
7. JPN 1001 Introduction to Japanese I
8. FRN 1001 Introductory French I
9. ENG 2092 Postmodernism and Feminism
10. ASN/INS 2039 Global South Asia
11. ANTH 2031 Cultures of Southeast Asia
12. JPN 2001 Intermediate Japanese I 
13. FRN 2001 Intermediate French I
14. ART 2003 Creative Process
15. ECO 3018 Economics of Developing Countries
16. POS 3118 Emerging Global Powers
17. WREL 3013 Seminar on Buddhism
18. ART 4002 Watercolor

Please note:

*Some of these courses do not provide liberal arts credits

**Students can take Chinese courses at Purchase College