Social Justice Program

Introduction and Overview

The interdisciplinary Social Justice program provides students with an introduction to and understanding of the history of social movements and theories of economic and social justice. This is done through combining two foundational core courses with a broad selection of electives that will enable students to develop a comprehensive perspective on social justice issues, worldwide. This global perspective is combined with experiential learning through an internship at a social justice/service agency, two semesters of social service as part of the Fourth Credit Option added to any of their electives, reflection groups during their internships and Fourth Credit Option experiences, and a senior independent study that integrates the research and experiential components of the student’s course work for the Social Justice minor. While no major is offered in Social Justice, students may do a self-designed major that integrates Social Justice with liberal arts major such as Sociology, Biology, Psychology, Political Science, World Religions, and History. (See requirements for self-designed majors.)


Social Justice


Peter Gardella — Judaism and Christianity, psychology of religions, Bible

Beth Williford — Social movements, globalization, Latin America, gender

James Jones — African and African-American religion, Islam, socio-cultural theory