
Introduction & Overview

Finance is the cornerstone of the enterprise system and is important to the economic health of business firms and non-profit organizations. It is a dynamic field that is categorized by continuous change in response to shifts in economic conditions making the study of finance stimulating and challenging. Our professors will help you learn to develop, analyze and interpret financial statements, learn to invest in financial assets and learn to create and evaluate plans to achieve long-term financial success.

The finance major at Manhattanville is comprised of courses in economics, accounting, finance, and quantitative methods, which will help prepare you for a wide range of career paths including accountants, auditors, and non-profit organization founders.

While studying finance at Manhattanville you will have to take a Senior Seminar in the fall of your final year, where you will have to discuss your research findings and conclusions in a thesis. You will also have the opportunity to do an internship in finance to help toward major requirements.

Note: Courses with the FIN code are not liberal arts. As with all non-liberal arts courses at the College, this is indicated by double asterisks after the title of the course. Students majoring in Finance are urged to plan carefully to ensure that they will have the 60 liberal arts credit hours required for the B.S. degree or the 90 liberal arts credit hours required for the B.A. degree.

Manhattanville College is also conveniently located near many leading financial institutions and corporate headquarters not only in New York City, but Westchester County, New York, and Fairfield County, Connecticut which will provide you with plenty of opportunities for internships and jobs after graduation. Recent finance students have interned and now work for Lincoln Financial Advisors, Morgan Stanley, MasterCard Worldwide, and many other well-known companies in the industry.


Bachelor of Arts in Finance

Bachelor of Science in Finance



Career Ideas

Banker, Budget Analyst, Credit Analyst, Financial Analyst, Financial Manager, Personal Finance Advisors, Securities, Commodities and Financial Services Sales Agents

Program Director

William Perkins, (914) 323.5149,

Faculty and Staff

Olugbenga Adeyinka – Organizational Behavior, Leadership and Followership, Business Strategy, Business Ethics, Entrepreneurship
Nimish Adhia – International economics, economic development
Tina Bardsley – Interactive and digital marketing, consumer attitude formation and change
David Borker – International business, international accounting, environmental economics
James Bryan – Microeconomic analysis of public policy, public finance; economic education
Robert Derrell – Financial markets, economic theory, econometrics
Kyoko Mona – Macroeconomics theory, monetary policy, public finance, financial-econometrics, financial-asset pricing.
William C. Perkins – Economic theory, government and industry, statistics, money and banking.
Heather Perretta – Organizational theory, institutional change, higher education organizations, changing employment relationships.
Peter Rivera - Corporate finance policies, derivatives and structured finance, accounting and finance education

Professor Emeritae

Anna Sachko Gandolfi – Finance, mathematical economics, labor economics, forecasting, money and banking.

Adjunct Faculty

Alan Anderson
Ernest Barone
Edwin Bowman
Rob Candee
Michael Coelho
Theresa Fischer
Don Genio
Alex Gialanella
Olesya Ingber
Paul Jakubek
Maureen Maitland
Ken Mias
Alina Rothman
Alan Sadovnick
Mike Scimeca
Inger Stapleton
John Wenninger
Audrey Tyson 
Janet Walsh
Cathryn Warner 


Administrative Assistant

Carolyn Greaige