Motor Vehicles and Parking Information

Motor Vehicles

Any student is permitted to have a vehicle on campus. However, the College expects students to abide by the College’s policy regarding vehicle and the laws concerning vehicles, such as a valid driver’s license, registration and inspection. The college is not responsible for any individual’s vehicle parked on campus. Parking on campus is at the owner’s risk. Students are required to obtain parking decals. The parking decal registration form is located on the Department of Campus Safety page of the Manhattanville College website.

Parking Regulations

All employees, contractors, and students are permitted to have a vehicle on campus. The College expects everyone to abide by the College’s policy regarding vehicle registration and operation as well as state laws concerning vehicles, such as a valid driver’s license, registration and inspection. The College is not responsible for any individual’s vehicle parked on campus. Parking on campus is at the owner’s risk.

  • All employees, contractors, and students are required to obtain and display College parking decals.
    • The parking decal registration form is located on the Department of Campus Safety page of the Manhattanville College website.
  • All visitors must obtain and display a Visitor Pass.
    • Visitor Pass is obtained at the College front gate guard house.
  • All vehicles must be parked in the marked parking spaces.
    • There are no reserved spaces on campus.
    • Where parking areas are clearly outlined, occupants must observe the confines of each space.
    • Only one vehicle is permitted in each space except for motorcycles.
  • All vehicles must be parked in the lots designated for use based upon the vehicle registration decal.
    • Faculty Staff Housing parking lot is NOT to be used for anyone without a valid Faculty/Staff Housing vehicle decal.
  • No vehicles can be parked in fire lanes.
  • No vehicles can be parking in spaces designated for the physically disabled (unless appropriate state issued placard or licensed plate is displayed.)
  • Parking is prohibited at all times on the grass or on any other areas where parking would mar the landscape of the campus, create a safety hazard, or interfere with the use of College facilities.
  • Parking is prohibited on roadways, crosswalks, and loading zones.
  • Parking is prohibited in Dammann/Tenney Circle, Founder’s Circle, Spellman Circle, Burnett/Olmstead/Houston Circle and along the baseball and softball fields.
  • Overnight parking (12 a.m. to 7 a.m.) is prohibited in the Reid Castle circle and on Brownson Road.
  • The College reserves the right to restrict parking for special purposes of events.
  • The College reserves the right to search any vehicle in order to ensure the general welfare and safety of the College community. Such searches will only be conducted if a threat to the community is posed or if it is necessary to ensure the safety of the employee, contractor, student, or owner.
  • Colors are used on curbs and lot surfaces as described below:
    • Yellow curbs mean no parking anytime.
    • Red curbs mean fire lane, no parking anytime.
    • Blue curbs mean handicapped parking only.
    • White lines on lot surfaces mark the confines of parking spaces.

Abandoned Vehicles

Any vehicle parked on the Manhattanville College Campus, which is without a current parking decal, unregistered, expired or with no license plates for more than seventy-two (72) hours will be deemed an abandoned vehicle. The owner of an abandoned or unregistered motor vehicle parked on the Manhattanville Campus will be given written notice, sent by registered or certified mail, return receipt requested. If the vehicle is not removed within ten (10) days of receipt of the written notice, the vehicle will be towed. If the owner of an abandoned vehicle cannot be determined, or cannot be contacted by phone or address, the abandoned vehicle will be towed 30 days after the first parking violation ticket has been issued to that vehicle.

If there are special circumstances surrounding the parking of a vehicle on the campus that would normally constitute an abandoned vehicle, the student must get written permission from the Director of Campus Safety or his/her designee.

Parking Between Semesters

Students are not allowed to leave vehicles on campus during the summer months or between semesters, unless taking classes, without written permission from the Department of Campus Safety. If written permission is not obtained, the vehicle may be towed. The Department of Campus Safety will not and cannot take possession of any motor vehicle keys for vehicles left on campus between semesters or breaks.

Motorist Assistance

In the event that a student vehicle needs a jump-start, is locked out, or is out of gas, the Department of Campus Safety will provide them with the proper assistance.

Vehicle Registration

Manhattanville College charges a parking fee for all students. Parking decals must be renewed each academic year for full time undergraduate students. All other students must renew their parking decals each semester. Parking fees are:

Resident – Undergraduate/Graduate$100 per academic year
Full Time Undergraduate Commuter $50 per academic year
Graduate Commuter Student$15 per session
Part-time Undergraduate Student$15 per semester

Employees and contractors must renew their decals every two years

Online Vehicle Registration

During the first two weeks of the semester students are required to register their vehicles through the Campus Safety webpage. Parking decals can be picked up at the Department of Campus Safety in 3 to 5 business days. In order to obtain a parking decal, the person being issued the decal must present a valid vehicle registration, driver’s license, and proof of vehicle insurance. Failure to register a vehicle and display the parking decal after the two-week registration period will result in the booting and-or towing of the vehicle at the owners expense. The individual to whom the decal is issued is responsible for any and all violations attributed to the vehicle, REGARDLESS OF WHOM IS DRIVING THE VEHICLE.

Parking Penalties and Fines

All vehicles on the College campus must comply with all College parking regulations as found in the Campus Safety webpage.

  • Failure to comply with all parking regulations will result in a fine.
  • Fines must be paid at the Student Accounts Office located on the 3rd floor of Reid Castle
  • In addition to the fines, depending upon the type and number of parking tickets, undergraduate students will be referred to the Dean of Students and graduate students will be referred to the Associate Dean for SOE Graduate or the Dean of SPS for Code of Conduct violations.
  • In addition to the fines, depending upon the type and number of parking tickets, Staff/Faculty who have two unpaid parking tickets will be referred to Human Resources for progressive discipline.
  • In addition to the fines, depending upon the type and number of parking tickets, contractors who have two unpaid parking tickets will be referred to their immediate supervisor.


Fire Lane/Zone $100.00
Handicapped Zone $100.00
Parked on Grass $ 25.00
Staff/Faculty Area $ 20.00
Parked in Two Spaces $ 20.00
Crosswalk/Sidewalk $ 30.00
Prohibited Area $ 30.00
Double Parked $ 30.00
Parked on Roadway $ 20.00
Visitor Parking $ 40.00
Improper Use of Vehicle $ 20.00
Failure to Obey Traffic Signs $ 20.00
No Registration Decal $100.00
Other Violation $ 20.00
Boot Immobilization Removal $ 60.00
Overnight Parking $ 30.00

*The amounts of fines are subject to change. Please note that more than one violation may be indicated on a single citation.

Ticket Appeals

The Campus Safety Officer at the Spellman Desk or at the Main Gate cannot void a summons. The Director of Campus Safety has the sole authority to void a summons. Repeat violations will subject your vehicle to the possibility of being booted or towed at your expense. Multiple violations in any academic year may result in the loss of vehicle privileges on the campus. For students, failure to pay fines will result in your student account being “flagged” and charged. Your diploma, transcript, or ability to register for classes will be affected. For employees, failure to pay fines will result in notification to Human Resources for possible disciplinary action pursuant to the progressive discipline policy. For contractors, failure to pay fines will result in notification to the immediate supervisor.

Failure to answer this summons in the Campus Safety Office within 7 days will be considered a guilty plea. Any ticket not paid by the 8th day after receiving the ticket will be deemed to be an unpaid ticket. If you do not dispute the violation and charge, the fine can be paid at the Student Accounts office located on the 3rd floor of Reid Castle between 10:00 am and 2:00 pm Monday through Friday. You should bring the ticket summons with you to the Student Accounts office. If you contest the violation you have been issued, a letter may be written to the Director of Campus Safety, using the College address, stating the reason of dispute. A response to the contested charge will be made with 14 days by phone or letter.

If you pay the fine by mail insert your name, street and town of the driver or owner of the vehicle in the return address. Your check or money order should be payable to Manhattanville College and mailed together with this summons to Manhattanville College, Dept. of Campus Safety, 2900 Purchase Street,. Purchase, NY 10577.

Vehicle Towing and Redemption

Procedures for the removal or towing of illegally parked vehicles have been adopted by Manhattanville College to ensure the safety and convenience of all persons on campus and apply to all full and part-time students of the Manhattanville Community, as well as visitors. All towing will be to a location designated by the Department of Campus Safety and any and all costs that the College may incur with regard to the removal and disposal of the vehicle will be billed to the owner.

All inquiries by owner and/or operators of towed vehicles may be made at the Department of Campus Safety. The owner and/or operator may claim their vehicle by paying any parking violations to the Bursar/Office of Student Accounts directly or via mail. Towing and storage charges are to be paid directly to the towing contractor. Authorization for any towing will be at the discretion of the Director of Campus Safety or his/her designee. Diplomas, transcripts, class registration, and/or housing selection will be held pending the disposition of outstanding parking violation fines. Tickets will place a financial hold on a student’s account until they are paid in full.

College Vehicles

Authorized students who use College vehicles are responsible for any incidents that may occur with the vehicle. Students are to contact Campus Safety immediately if they have problems with the vehicle, are involved in an accident, receive parking tickets (driver is responsible for payment of ticket; a $25 surcharge along with the fine and fees will be applied to a student’s account for any unpaid tickets). A student who is assigned a vehicle must return the vehicle at its designated time and to its designated parking location, with windows fully closed, doors locked, fueled up, free of trash, and keys returned to the Department of Campus Safety Headquarters. College vehicles may not be parked in illegal areas on campus. Failure to do so could result in a parking fine. At no point should the authorized student allow another student to operate the vehicle. Students must have a valid US driver’s license for 2 years and complete the driver application through the Department of Campus Safety in order to be authorized to use a College vehicle.

Students who do not follow the outlined rules will be subject to disciplinary action and forfeit their ability to use College vehicles in the future.

Students found using a College vehicle for non-College related activities will forfeit their ability to use vehicles in the future, be charged on their student account for any non-College related use of EZ Pass and/or Gas Speed Pass along with a with a $25 surcharge, and may be subject to disciplinary action.

If a college vehicle is involved in a motor vehicle accident, please remember that leaving the scene of a motor vehicle accident is a crime. Call 911 if hurt or in a dangerous situation. If another vehicle is involved, gather as much information as possible: driver’s name, address, license plate and state, make, model, color, damage to vehicle, location of accident (street, city, state). If able, take as many pictures as possible and from different angles. Notify the Department of Campus Safety immediately 914-323-5244.

Students driving in an unsafe or reckless manner will forfeit their ability to use College vehicles in the future. Students who incur damages on a college vehicle due to negligence may be liable for those damages.