Fire Prevention

The College’s Fire Safety Program is designed and implemented by a collaborative group, which consists of the Vice Presidents, Dean of Students, the Director of Residence Life, the Director of Campus Safety, and student representatives. There will be periodic seminars and drills throughout the year.

Failure to evacuate while a fire alarm is sounding in any building will result in disciplinary action and or monetary fines. Each student is responsible for knowing evacuation procedures of the building. Students must take the lead in being aware of fire prevention and precautions on campus.

The College reminds its members that malicious acts involving fire equipment or fire alarms will not be tolerated and will result in the expulsion of students. Such acts include, but are not limited to, intentionally discharging a fire extinguisher, spraying a substance known to activate the building fire alarm system near a fire/smoke detector, or activating a building fire alarm system via pull station. The College reserves the right to report instances to the proper law enforcement authorities.

The College has an obligation to uphold public law and warns its members that any malicious act involving fire equipment or fire alarms will result in disciplinary action by the College, including expulsion, and is punishable by state law under Section 240.55 of the New York State Penal Law, FALSELY REPORTING AN INCIDENT in the second degree, a class A Misdemeanor. Further, should anyone become injured or killed as a direct result of such a malicious act, the offense is punishable under section 240.60 of the New York State Penal Law, FALSELY REPORTING AN INCIDENT in the first degree, a class E Felony.

In Case of Fire:

  • Remain calm and think.
  • Feel the entire door for heat. BE CAREFUL TOUCHING DOOR KNOBS. THEY CAN CONDUCT THE MOST HEAT. If door is hot or if there is excessive smoke in the hallway, remain in your Room. See section below.
  • Move in an orderly and rapid manner in a single file line along the wall upon which the exit is located.
  • DO NOT attempt to extinguish the fire.
  • If smoke is present, wrap a wet cloth or towel over your nose and mouth.
  • Remain close to the floor.
  • NEVER use the elevator when there is a suspected fire in the building.
  • If in residence halls, go to determined assembly area for roll call by Resident Advisor.
  • If in any other building on campus, please use the nearest exit, assemble in a safe location and wait for further instructions.

If you Cannot Leave the Room:

  • Open windows if there is smoke coming in from the hallways; if there is no smoke, leave windows closed to prevent outside smoke from being drawn into the room.
  • Seal cracks around the door with towels (damp, if possible).
  • If you are trapped, attract attention by hanging an object from the window- the brighter the color, the better. If outside smoke is drawn in, close the window leaving the objects hanging.
  • If smoke is severe, place a wet cloth over your nostrils and REMEMBER, the floor is usually clear of smoke.
  • If possible and safe to do so, have water readily available in a nearby sink and/or bath tub
  • Report the emergency by dialing Campus Safety at (914) 323-5244.
  • Fire safety is an issue of which the entire community should be aware. Violations of fire safety procedures or misuse of fire safety equipment will be dealt with seriously and may result in the removal of the violator from the residence halls and/or the College community.
  • Parking in Fire Lanes also presents a fire safety threat to the community and should be avoided at all costs. Violators will be fined and/or towed.

General Safety Measures

  • Keep windows and doors closed and locked when you are not in your room. Test them to see that they are locked securely. (Contact Residence Life immediately if your doors lock is not working).
  • Make a list of your valuables and keep it in a safe place. Include pictures, exact description, year purchased and ID number.
  • Do not leave money or valuables exposed in your living quarters. Place money and valuables out of sight and under special lock protection.
  • Do not prop doors open.
  • Do not let strangers into your living area.
  • Report all suspicious activity. Remember Campus Safety phone extension 5244. Campus Safety and Residence Life should be notified of any threatening incidents or unusual behavior.
  • Do not walk alone on campus at night. Go in pairs or with a group and try to remain in well-lit areas.
  • Know the location of the blue light emergency call boxes.
  • Park in well-lit areas.
  • Do not leave your car unlocked, unattended or with key in it.
  • Do not hitchhike-even on campus.
  • Install anti-theft software on laptop computers (lojack)
  • Keep a record of the make, model and serial numbers of all electronic items

Medical Emergencies

If a medical emergency should occur, contact Campus (914) 323-SAFE (7233) and provide the officer with all the information regarding the medical emergency (e.g. type of call, location and person(s) involved). Upon evaluating the situation the officer will then immediately notify the necessary departments and authorities. In case a student must go to the hospital, the student will be transported by ambulance or by other means, depending on the severity of the injury, and may be accompanied by a member of the College staff. In cases of serious medical emergencies, parents, guardians or designated emergency contact will be notified as soon as possible.

Area Hospitals

White Plains Hospital

(914) 681-0600

41 East Post Road / NYS route 22

White Plains, NY 10601

Westchester Medical Center

(914) 493-7000

100 Woods Road

Valhalla, NY 10595

Urgent Care

WESTMED Medical Group

(914) 682-0700

210 Westchester Avenue

Harrison, NY 10604-2901