MSBL5603 Entrepreneurship

This course allows students to walk a few steps in the shoes of an entrepreneur while learning how entrepreneurs build new ventures that endure. Students learn how to think and act entrepreneurially, and how to create value through "new" - products, solutions, ventures, business units, distribution channels, firms, business models or technologies. Students explore financial, legal, interpersonal and personal challenges likely to be encountered by the independent entrepreneur. This course is recommended for those interested in initiating a personal venture at some point in their lives working with or consulting for an early stage entrepreneurial team. Key issues addressed will include risk perception and management, formulation of innovative stakeholder relationships, and the creation of new markets through new ventures. Upon successful completion of this course, students will understand how expert entrepreneurs actually do it; understand the challenges faced by entrepreneurs; grasp the subtleties of ownership and control; increase the probability of success and reduce the risks of failure and acquire the basic tools for successful entrepreneurship such as putting together a business plan.
