MSBL5602 Leveraging Information Technology for a Competitive Advantage

The role of Information Technology (IT) is shifting from a technical, specialist function to a vital one that shapes and supports every facet of business operations. IT began its roots as a back-office support function to Accounting/Finance, but has long evolved into a strategic resource coordinated to support business strategies while shaping future options and directions. Successful companies differentiate themselves by their ability to position the power of technology to design ways to outperform their competitors. Successful business managers recognize IT as a strategic resource and have the primary responsibility for specifying IT roles as part of the overall business capabilities. This course is designed for business professional that will encounter and have to rely on information systems to accomplish their business goals. The course will consist of a combination of lectures; group discussions; student presentations, online quizzes, discussion board entries and written assignments. Upon successful completion, the students will be able to: explain the meaning of terms used to describe common techniques and concepts in business information systems; describe the ways in which computers are and will be used in business and management; identify and suggest appropriate responses to managerial and organizational issues stemming from development, implementation, and use of computer-based information systems; recognize the reality of implementing international information systems; understand the major social and ethical issues involved in the development and use of information technology; and be better positioned to work with IT resources to help drive business value through technology innovation.
