2019-2020 Graduate Bulletin

Section 6–The Powers and Duties of the Executive Officers and Committee Chairpersons of the Student Council

  1. Service as an executive officer, or as the chairperson of a permanent committee of the Student Council, is a major responsibility. Executive officers are expected to devote at least ten hours per week to their official duties, and to monthly chair their respective committees. Sustained failure to meet these obligations shall be considered valid grounds for impeachment and removal from office. Committee chairpersons of the Committee on Clubs and the Committee on Graduate and Evening Services, are also expected to convene monthly meetings.
Sustained failure of any to meet this obligation shall constitute sufficient grounds for suspension or replacement by the Student Council by a majority vote.
  1. The president shall serve as the chief executive officer of the Student Government, and as the presiding officer of the Student Council. In addition to the powers granted to him or her elsewhere in this Charter, he or she shall serve as chairperson of the Student Council’s Steering Committee and of its permanent Committee on General Activities; and have responsibility for the management of the Student Council’s office. He or she shall also be ex-officio member of all committees of the Student Council. Also, as chief executive, the President has the power to serve as interim and exercise the role of any other executive officer in the event of a vacancy or an unfilled position, or in the event that an existing executive officer has been delinquent in his or her duties and exigency in the exercising of those duties exists.
  2. The vice president shall succeed to the office of the presidency should a vacancy occur, and shall serve as acting-president in the president’s absence. He or she has the right to review the qualifications, with a designee from the Office of Student Life, of the candidates of all Student Council, College Council, and college-wide committees. The Student Council shall confirm all committee candidates. The Vice President shall also serve as the chairperson of the Student Council’s permanent Committee on Student Representation, and shall nominate the members of this committee subject to the consent of the Student Council.
  3. The treasurer shall serve as the chief financial officer of the Student Government, the presiding financial officer of the Student Council, and as the chairperson of the Student Council’s permanent Committee on the Budget. In addition, the treasurer shall serve as an ex-officio member of all permanent Student Council committees. The treasurer shall also disperse all properly appropriated funds and keep the books of account. At any time, the Student Activities Association Board of Directors may direct that an audit be conducted of the books of the Student Council. The treasurer shall also be responsible for making a monthly report to the Student Council on the state of the Student Government’s finances.

  1. The secretary shall keep the minutes of all meetings and provide for the maintenance and security of all Student Council records. The secretary shall call the roll of the Student Council, read minutes of preceding meetings, and handle all correspondence for the Student Council, with such exceptions as the Student Council may provide. The secretary shall also serve as the chairperson of the permanent Committee on Essential Services.