2019-2020 Graduate Bulletin

Section 11–The Judicial Board

  1. The Judicial Board shall consist of five members, known as associate justices; all members will be nominated by Student Council and confirmed by the Student Activities Association Board of Directors. Members of the Judicial Board shall serve terms of no more than two continuous years, provided members do not experience a lapse in student enrollment and provided members remain in good academic standing. All members of the Judicial Board shall be students in good standing, with grade-point averages of at least 2.5 as undergraduate students and grade-point averages of at least 3.0 as graduate students, at the time of their appointment and maintain such standing throughout their term of office. No member of the Judicial Board may be a member or candidate for an elective position within the Student Government during the period of his or her service. A member or candidate of Judicial Board also may not serve as an executive officer of a student club but can serve as a member of the student club.
  2. The Judicial Board shall elect a Chief Justice, who shall preside at its meetings and shall establish its agenda, subject to modification by the members of the Judicial Board. The Judicial Board must select an advisor for the academic year to oversee the board. The Judicial Board must have a majority vote for the selection of an Advisor. The Student Activities Association Board of Directors must approve the advisor.
  3. Meetings of the Judicial Board shall be in their entirety open to all interested parties, provided that the Judicial Board may meet in executive session when deciding upon charges lodged against any executive officer, member of the Student Government, or to decide election appeals for Student Government, under the impeachment provisions of this Charter. The advisor shall have the right to attend and speak at all meetings of the Judicial Board. The members of the Judicial Board must serve a minimum of five office hours per week. These office hours will be posted outside of their office and submitted to the Office of Student Life. During the office hours, the Judicial Board can certify new clubs.
  4. The Dean of Students will convene the first meeting of each academic year of the Judicial Board by September 15, and the members of the Judicial Board will be duly sworn in individually as they are approved. Thereafter, the Judicial Board shall meet monthly according to a regular schedule, in the same manner as the Student Council. Special meetings may also be called by the Chief Justice of the Judicial Board or upon petition of a majority of its members. Due public notice shall be given of all Judicial Board meetings whenever possible.
  5. The Judicial Board shall keep minutes of all its meetings, which, after a reasonable time, shall be made available to all interested parties. The Chief Justice of the Judicial Board shall make provision that all records of the Judicial Board and copies of Club records be carefully preserved and made available upon request to all interested parties.
  6. Each member of the Judicial Board shall have one vote, unless otherwise provided for, all decisions of the Judicial Board shall be taken by a simple majority of the members, and with a quorum being present.
  7. A quorum of the Judicial Board shall consist of a majority of its members.
  8. Meetings of the Judicial Board shall be conducted according to Robert’s Rules of Order, newly revised, with the exception that the Chief Justice shall, in all matters, carry one vote.
  9. Members of the Judicial Board shall disqualify themselves from voting on any matter bearing upon a student club of which they are a member. Any member doing so, however, shall still be counted present for the purposes of making a quorum.
  10. The Judicial Board may empower agents to assist in the performance of its administrative responsibilities.
  11. Removal of any justice on the Judicial Board may be enacted by a vote of at least a majority of the qualifying members of the Student Council, subject to confirmation by the Student Activities Association Board of Directors.