2019-2020 Graduate Bulletin

Article III: Organization

Section 1 - Bodies of the Student Government

The bodies of the Student Government shall consist of:

  1. A Student Council, which shall serve as the representative body within the Student Government, shall effect appointments of Judicial Board members and members of college-wide decision-making bodies and student committees, and shall establish funding guidelines for student organization budgets subject to the approval of the Student Activities Association Board of Directors.
  2. A Judicial Board, which will serve as chief interpreters of this Charter when called to do so, will certify new student clubs, and will hear and decide all charges brought against executive officers and members of the Student Council. The Judicial Board will conduct elections in conjunction with the Office of Student Life, and will exercise activities and powers that are further provided for by this Charter.
  3. Advisors, which will be selected by the Student Government and confirmed by the Student Activities Association Board of Directors, exist to advise and assist the bodies of the Student Government in carrying out their functions.
  4. Voluntary student organizations, hereafter designated as clubs, which exist to further the purposes set forth in the Preamble of this Charter, and which shall be certified by the Judicial Board or Student Council if the Judicial Board is inactive and officially recognized by the Office of Student Life, as meeting the standards specified in this Charter.

Section 2 - The Membership of the Student Council

  1. The Student Council has twenty-five ( 25) positions for student representation. The Student Council shall consist of the following: President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, four Freshman Representatives, four Sophomore Representatives, four Junior Representatives, four Senior Representatives, four Graduate Representatives and one Council-at-Large representative. In addition to these elected student representatives, the Student Council will appoint, after taking applications and conducting open interviews, a non-voting Parliamentarian and a non-voting Marketer to the Student Council. These positions cannot be held in conjunction with any other position within Student Council.
  2. The four executive officers of Student Council: the President, Vice President, Treasurer, and Secretary cannot simultaneously hold office as a class representative. The four executive officers shall possess all the powers, privileges, responsibilities and obligations of a class representative in addition to those special to his or her position.
  3. All members of the Student Council must be students in good standing at the time of their election and maintain such standing throughout their term of office. All undergraduate class representatives and executive officers who are undergraduates must have grade-point averages of at least 2.5 at the time of their election and throughout their term of office. Graduate class representatives and executive officers that are graduate students must have grade-point averages of at least 3.0 at the time of their election. Graduate students without a John Jay GPA are eligible if the transcript of their previous school demonstrates a final grade point average of at least 3.0. Graduate and undergraduate transfer students are also eligible to hold office, provided transcripts of their previous schools may be verified and the above grade-point average requirements may be satisfied.
  4. All members of the Student Council shall be required to attend all meetings of the Student Council and of the committees to which they are assigned. Repeated non-attendance or lateness for meetings by elected members shall be considered valid grounds for impeachment and removal from the Student Council. Any members of the Student Council with more than two unexcused absences from the regular monthly meetings of the Student Council will be suspended from office automatically. An absence may be excused if there is written prior notification. Student Council must review the suspension within thirty days after the suspension began. Within those thirty days of suspension, a majority vote of Student Council must vote on whether the suspended member is reinstated or not. If after thirty days, the Student Council fails to vote on the suspended member then the suspended member has seven days after the expiration date of the thirty days to make an appeal about the suspension to the Judicial Board. If the Judicial Board fails to review the suspension and vote within seven days from the date the appeal was filed, then the suspended member has seven days to appeal to the Dean of Students in writing. The sole decision to reinstate or not will then rest with the Dean of Students. The notification of the Dean of Students, decision will be made within two weeks of the appeal and sent to the entire Student Council and Judicial Board. Members suspended more than once from Student Council are deemed impeached and may never hold a position within the Student Government.
  5. Each class representative on the Student Council shall be expected to devote at least four hours per week to his or her official responsibilities during the fall and spring semesters, in addition to their duties with College Council. During at least one designated hour of this time per week, they shall be available at the Student Council offices for consultation with their student constituents. Class representatives are responsible for developing two events or programs per semester within their respective representative group, individually, or in a committee, that will address the needs and concerns of their constituents. Failure to comply with office hours and developing two events or programs will result in an automatic suspension after the last day of class for the semester. In addition, repeated violation of rules established by the executive officers of Student Council will be grounds for suspension.
  6. The Council-at-Large representative is responsible for addressing college-wide policies and will be expected to devote at least four hours per week to his or her official responsibilities during the fall and spring semesters, in addition to his or her duties with College Council. He or she will serve as the chairperson of the Town Hall Committee, will be an ex-officio member of the Campus Safety Advisory Committee, and serve on the permanent Committee on General Activities. The College Council-at-Large representative shall also create a monthly report by the end of each month of all policies implemented or changed that will affect the John Jay student community. The report will be reviewed by the executive officers of Student Council to then be disseminated to the John Jay student body. Office hours can be used to create the monthly reports and attend meetings.
  7. In addition to the elected members of Student Council, there will also be a Marketer and a Parliamentarian position, which will be selected individually by a simple majority of the Council from a pool of candidates solicited from the full student body and individually interviewed. The Marketer will be responsible for creating all marketing materials for Student Council. The Parliamentarian will attend all Student Council meetings and oversee the training and implementation of Robert’s Rules, newly revised, for all members of Student Council.
  8. At the time of a student’s nomination for the office of class representative, each candidate shall have sufficient credits, including the credits registered for during the current semester (in progress) and excluding all other credits such as INC credits, to be a member of the class he or she will represent. A student’s status shall be determined and certified by the Vice President of Enrollment Management or his or her designee, the criteria of which are as follows:

Freshman 1.0–29.9 Credits

Sophomore 30.0–59.9 Credits

Junior 60.0–89.9 Credits

Senior–90 or more Credits

Seniors who are candidates for executive positions shall have their eligibility for office determined by their status. A senior candidate for graduation, may satisfy the enrolled requirement by providing proof of acceptance to a John Jay College graduate program by June 1st. Bachelor of Arts/Masters of Arts students are classified according to their undergraduate class codes.

Representative class eligibility is based on the credit range specified above.

Section 3–Vacancies and Unfilled Positions on the Student Council

  1. Should the presidency of the Student Council become vacant, the vice president shall succeed to the office.
  2. Should any of the other executive officer positions of the Student Council become vacant or be unfilled during spring elections the members of the Student Council shall elect a successor.
  3. Any vacancy or unfilled position among the class representatives may be filled by a special election, should the Student Council so decide, provided that at least two months remain in the term of the vacated or unfilled position. Any special election shall be conducted according to the procedures governing elections and referenda found in Article V of this Charter.
  4. Suspended executive officers or class representatives of the Student Council shall be deemed to have vacated their positions based upon a majority vote of Student Council, Judicial Board, and/or the Dean of Students’ written decision to not reinstate the suspended members.

Section 4–Powers of the Student Council

  1. The Student Council shall appropriate all funds raised by student fees in accord with the purposes set forth in this Charter.
  2. The Student Council may authorize programs and activities for the general benefit of the student body in accord with the purposes of the Student Government defined in this Charter. In addition, the Student Council may certify new clubs if the Judicial Board is inactive.
  3. The Student Council shall appoint by a simple majority vote the student members of all John Jay College bodies containing student representation. Graduate and undergraduate students in good standing as defined in Article III, Section 2, Paragraph C shall be eligible for these positions. The terms of these representatives shall expire with those of the members of the Student Council, and the Student Council shall be empowered to fill any mid-term vacancies or unfilled positions that occur. All student representatives on these bodies shall be required to report monthly to the Student Council and to the permanent Committee on Student Representation regarding the fulfillment of their duties.
  4. The Student Council shall have the power to confirm the nomination of any student to represent the student body at college, university or inter-collegiate meetings and events, including nationally-recognized student organization functions. These representatives shall be required to report back to the Student Council on the fulfillment of their duties.
  5. The Student Council may study and debate any issue or problem pertaining to campus life and student activities. On the basis of such studying or debate, it may adopt such resolutions or make such recommendations to the administration of the College, the faculty, or the student body as it sees fit, provided that it shall not endorse any candidacies for positions on the Student Council.
  6. Within the procedures and requirements established by this Charter, the Student Council may adopt such bylaws, rules, and regulations; create such temporary committees; or empower such agents as it deems fit to carry out its duties.

Section 5–Procedures and Internal Structure of the Student Council

  1. Within one month following the start of its term, the Office of Student Affairs shall convene an organizational meeting. At this meeting the executive officers and members of the Student Council shall be sworn. As soon thereafter as it is convenient, the Student Council shall meet to fill any vacant or unfilled position within the Council, confirm the appointment of the members of its committees, and schedule the remainder of the Student Council’s regular monthly meetings.
  2. Student Council shall hold a minimum of three summer meetings to conduct any official council business. All qualifying members will be eligible to vote during the summer meetings. The first meeting during the summer will be used for special elections to fill any vacancies or unfilled positions within Student Government. Approval of students and Student Council members to the College Council, or college-wide committees will be voted on. Candidates for college-wide committees must submit a cover letter, resume, and unofficial transcript. These materials must then be submitted to the Dean of Students for review. The Vice President of Enrollment Management or his or her designee must certify the members on college-wide committees after being vetted by the Dean of Students. Within the first week of the fall semester, the Vice President of the Student Council must supply a completed list of all approved members on the college-wide committees to the Dean of Students. In the absence of the Vice President, the President must take the responsibility and supply a completed list of all approved committee members to the Dean of Students with the meeting minutes attached.
  3. Once its organization has been completed, the Student Council shall hold at least one regular meeting every month until the expiration of its term. These regular monthly meeting be held during community hour or any other time convenient to all. The times and dates of the regular monthly meetings may be changed by a vote of the permanent Steering Committee of the Student Council, provided that at least two weeks’ notice is given of such changes.
  4. The Steering Committee is comprised of the president, vice president, treasurer, secretary, chairperson of the permanent Committee on Clubs, chairperson of the permanent Committee on Graduate and Evening Services, and the chairperson of the permanent Club Planning Committee. The Steering Committee has the power to create the agenda for Student Council and hear committee chair reports.
  5. Special meetings of the Student Council may be held upon written notification from the Student Council President. All special meeting notifications must be sent at least 48 hours in advance with an agenda to Student Council. They shall also be convened upon a documented petition of a majority of the members of the Student Council.
  6. During its meetings, the Student Council shall strictly adhere to its agenda as specified further in Section 7 of this Article. In the case of the regular monthly meetings, the agenda shall be established by the Student Council’s Steering Committee. Whenever possible, the Steering Committee shall also establish the agenda for any special meetings called by the Student Council President. If the Steering Committee does not establish an agenda, the president may establish the agenda. Special meetings convened as the result of a petition with signatures of the majority (half plus one) of the Student Council, shall be governed by the agenda contained in the petition.
  7. Meetings of the Student Council shall be open in their entirety to all students, members of the faculty, members of the administration, and other interested individuals. The advisor shall have the right to attend and address all meetings of the Student Council and its committees.
  8. The date, time, and place of all regular Student Council meetings shall be conspicuously advertised through the College media at least two weeks before the meeting takes place and a schedule of all regular meetings shall be available to students at the Student Council’s office. Due notice of special meetings shall be given whenever possible.
  9. Every individual serving on the Student Council, with the exception of the president, shall be qualified to cast one vote at Student Council meetings. Members of the Student Council under suspension shall not be considered qualified to vote.
  10. A quorum of the Student Council shall consist of the majority (half plus one member) of all the members of the Student Council qualified to vote.
  11. No resolution shall be passed by the Student Council unless it shall have received at least a majority of the votes of qualified members present and voting. However, should a resolution or an amendment to a resolution be vetoed by the Student Council President, it must receive the affirmative vote of two-thirds of the qualified members of the Student Council to pass. Procedural motions, however, shall never require more than a simple majority to pass.
  12. The Student Council President, whenever present, shall preside at Student Council meetings. In his or her absence, the vice president, treasurer, or secretary of the Student Council shall preside in that order of precedence. Should there be no qualified executive officer present; the Student Council may designate one of its other members to preside.
The presiding officer shall not be allowed to vote at meetings of the Student Council except to break ties, provided that the presiding officer shall always be free to cast his or her veto. The presiding officers of all committees of the Student Council, however, shall have the right to vote.
  1. Subject to the provisions of this Charter and such rules as the Student Council may wish to provide for itself, Robert’s Rules of Order, newly revised, shall govern parliamentary procedure at Student Council meetings.

Section 6–The Powers and Duties of the Executive Officers and Committee Chairpersons of the Student Council

  1. Service as an executive officer, or as the chairperson of a permanent committee of the Student Council, is a major responsibility. Executive officers are expected to devote at least ten hours per week to their official duties, and to monthly chair their respective committees. Sustained failure to meet these obligations shall be considered valid grounds for impeachment and removal from office. Committee chairpersons of the Committee on Clubs and the Committee on Graduate and Evening Services, are also expected to convene monthly meetings.
Sustained failure of any to meet this obligation shall constitute sufficient grounds for suspension or replacement by the Student Council by a majority vote.
  1. The president shall serve as the chief executive officer of the Student Government, and as the presiding officer of the Student Council. In addition to the powers granted to him or her elsewhere in this Charter, he or she shall serve as chairperson of the Student Council’s Steering Committee and of its permanent Committee on General Activities; and have responsibility for the management of the Student Council’s office. He or she shall also be ex-officio member of all committees of the Student Council. Also, as chief executive, the President has the power to serve as interim and exercise the role of any other executive officer in the event of a vacancy or an unfilled position, or in the event that an existing executive officer has been delinquent in his or her duties and exigency in the exercising of those duties exists.
  2. The vice president shall succeed to the office of the presidency should a vacancy occur, and shall serve as acting-president in the president’s absence. He or she has the right to review the qualifications, with a designee from the Office of Student Life, of the candidates of all Student Council, College Council, and college-wide committees. The Student Council shall confirm all committee candidates. The Vice President shall also serve as the chairperson of the Student Council’s permanent Committee on Student Representation, and shall nominate the members of this committee subject to the consent of the Student Council.
  3. The treasurer shall serve as the chief financial officer of the Student Government, the presiding financial officer of the Student Council, and as the chairperson of the Student Council’s permanent Committee on the Budget. In addition, the treasurer shall serve as an ex-officio member of all permanent Student Council committees. The treasurer shall also disperse all properly appropriated funds and keep the books of account. At any time, the Student Activities Association Board of Directors may direct that an audit be conducted of the books of the Student Council. The treasurer shall also be responsible for making a monthly report to the Student Council on the state of the Student Government’s finances.

  1. The secretary shall keep the minutes of all meetings and provide for the maintenance and security of all Student Council records. The secretary shall call the roll of the Student Council, read minutes of preceding meetings, and handle all correspondence for the Student Council, with such exceptions as the Student Council may provide. The secretary shall also serve as the chairperson of the permanent Committee on Essential Services.

Section 7–Composition and Responsibility of the Student Council Committees

  1. The major portion of the Student Council’s work shall be done in its committees. Faithful participation in the activities of his or her committee shall be an essential obligation of all members of the Student Council. Repeated failure to attend committee meetings, as deemed by the Student Council for those elected members, shall constitute valid grounds for impeachment and removal from office. For those committee members that are appointed by the Student Council, any sustained failure of any to meet their obligation shall constitute sufficient grounds for suspension or replacement by the Student Council by a majority vote.
  2. The members of the Student Council, both elected by the students and/or appointed by the members of Student Council, shall be organized into eight permanent committees: the Steering Committee, the Committee on Student Representation, the Committee on Clubs, the Committee on General Activities, the Committee on Graduate and Evening Services, the Committee on Essential Services, the Committee on the Budget, and the Club Planning Committee. The Student Council may also create special temporary committees whose existence shall end whenever the Student Council shall so prescribe, or at the installation of a new Student Council. Each member of the Student Council shall serve on at least one permanent committee.
  3. The Steering Committee, the highest permanent committee, shall consist of all the qualified members as specified above in Article III, Section 5, Paragraph D of this Charter. A quorum of the Steering Committee shall consist of a majority of the Student Council’s executive officers and permanent committee chairpersons. Each member of the committee, including the chair, shall have one vote, and a simple majority of all qualified members present and voting shall be sufficient to pass any resolution. The provisions of Article III, Section 5, Paragraph A of this Charter shall not apply to meetings of the Steering Committee. The Steering Committee shall hear reports from the chairpersons of the various Student Council committees on the progress of the Committee’s work. Whenever possible, it shall establish the agenda of all Student Council meetings, except where meetings have been called through petition of the Student Council members. The agenda shall prescribe all the items of business to be considered by the Student Council, the time to be allocated for consideration of these items, the rules governing debate on them, and the number and nature of any motions and amendments that may be offered.
These rules shall be strictly adhered to during Student Council deliberations unless the president of the Student Council secures permission of the Student Council that they be waived in whole or part. If the Steering Committee, for whatever reason, falls short of quorum at a meeting to formulate the agenda for a regular meeting, the president shall establish the agenda.

After the members of the Student Council shall have been sworn in, a regular schedule of monthly Steering Committee meetings shall be established. These meetings shall precede the regular monthly meetings of the Student Council by at least three business days. They shall be held at times convenient to the executive officers and chairpersons of the Student Council’s permanent committees. An executive officer or chairperson with more than two unexcused absences will result in an automatic suspension from Student Council.

The president may call special meetings of the Steering Committee, provided that due notice be given to all of the members of the Student Council.
  1. At the time of its initial organization, each permanent committee shall have a minimum membership of five qualified members. A simple majority of the committee’s qualified members shall constitute a quorum, provided that the Student Council President may grant written permission to any chairperson to transact the business of a committee in the absence of a quorum. Meetings of the Student Council and of the Steering Committee, however, shall always require the presence of a quorum.
  2. Once appointed and confirmed, the chairpersons of all permanent committees will serve throughout the full term of the Student Council to which they were elected or appointed. They will exercise the rights and privileges of all members of permanent committees, if they remain qualified members of the Student Council.
  3. All permanent committees shall hold regular monthly meetings, according to a schedule adopted at the first meeting of the committee. This schedule may later be revised by the members of the committee, provided that due notice is given. Committee meetings shall be open in their entirety to all students, faculty members, and members of the administration who wish to attend.
  4. In formulating the agenda of the Student Council, the Steering Committee shall give priority to resolutions considered by and reported out of the committees of the Student Council.
  5. The permanent Committee on Student Representation shall study the qualifications of all students proposed for positions on the College Council Committees prescribed in the College’s Charter of Governance and its bylaws. Due notice shall be given to the student body of the availability of such positions, together with a description of their obligations and responsibilities. Only students in good standing that have been nominated by the permanent Committee on Student Representation may be approved by the Student Council. Moreover, no student may be selected to serve on more than two College Council Committees. The seat of any student member of a College Council Committee shall be declared vacated whenever that student shall have been absent for more than one of its meetings, or for inactivity deemed as such by the Student Council. The terms of students holding these positions shall terminate with those of the members of the Student Council.
The permanent Committee on Student Representation shall monitor the attendance of students on the College Council Committees and college-wide decision-making bodies, and shall nominate students to fill vacancies as they occur. The Committee shall also require student members on college-wide decision-making bodies to report monthly, in writing, on their work, and to appear before the Student Council to explain their actions. The Committee may make recommendations to the student members of college-wide decision-making bodies, provided that it is always understood that such students remain free to make their own judgments. The Committee may also request that the Student Council take advisory positions on questions before college-wide decision-making bodies, or that the student body be polled on such matters. The permanent Committee on Student Representation shall consist of the vice president, who shall chair, and a minimum of four other members of the Student Council.
  1. The permanent Committee on Clubs shall review the requests of all certified clubs for Student Council funds, and shall recommend to the Student Council whether such funds shall be approved. The Committee shall ensure that all such requests are in accordance with the educational and cultural purposes of the College, benefit a significant number of students, are cost-effective, and are in conformance with the overall budgetary guidelines and ceilings approved by the Student Council, as specified in the Committee on Clubs’ guidelines. The Committee may also examine the constitutions of any clubs requesting funds from the Student Council for the purpose of establishing its democratic character and conformance to the purposes of the College. Members of this Committee shall not simultaneously serve as executive officers of any club. The president shall designate the chairperson and members of this Committee, subject to confirmation by the Student Council.
  2. The permanent Committee on General Activities is required to discuss and plan Student Council events and programs for each semester, within the purposes of this Charter, not falling within the prescribed jurisdictions of other committees or clubs. It shall also study and advise the Student Council on all proposals for the revision of the Charter of the Student Government. The Committee shall be chaired by the president, and shall include a minimum of four other members of the Student Council.
  3. The permanent Committee on Graduate and Evening Services shall study and advise the Student Council on all proposals of primary benefit to students in the graduate programs of the College, or in the evening sections of the undergraduate division. This Committee shall be composed of a minimum of five members, four of whom must be graduate students. The president shall designate the chairperson and members of this Committee, subject to the confirmation by the Student Council.
  4. An essential service comprises an ongoing activity vital to the educational or cultural life of the College, which is designed to be accessible to a large number of students and involves an unusually high level of continuing expenditure. The permanent Committee on Essential Services shall study and advise the Council on the administration and performance of the student newspaper, radio station, yearbook, theatrical activities, as well as that of any other entity deemed by the Student Council and the Student Activities Association Board of Directors as an essential service, provided that neither the Committee nor the Student Council shall intervene with the editorial freedom of these entities. The Committee shall be chaired by the secretary and include a minimum of four other members.
  5. The permanent Committee on the Budget shall administer all budgetary matters as they relate to those funds appropriated and expended by the Student Government, as per Article III, Section 8 of this Charter and for the administrative processes and educational and cultural needs of the student body. The Committee shall be comprised of the treasurer, whom shall chair, and a minimum of four other members.
  6. The permanent Club Planning Committee is comprised of a minimum of fifteen representatives from recognized clubs consisting of the president or treasurer. If the president or the treasurer is unable to attend the meetings then the vice president or secretary of the club can be nominated. All members must be nominated by the Office of Student Life and confirmed by Student Council. The chairperson of the Club Planning Committee is the Student Council President or his or her designee. The Office of Student Life will assist the chair of the Club Planning Committee. Even though clubs will provide the events that they would like to have within their budget proposal, the Club Planning Committee will develop a calendar of events for clubs each semester before the first meeting of the permanent Committee on Clubs. The Club Planning Committee will meet at least once a semester. The first meeting of the Club Planning Committee must be held at least thirty days before the first date of compliance for clubs. Any guidelines for the Club Planning Committee must be approved by a majority vote of Student Council. In the event Student Council is inactive, the Office of Student Life will assume all the power and privileges associated with governing the Club Planning Committee.
  7. The student delegation of the College Council shall consist of the four executive officers of the Student Council, two student representatives from the graduate class, two student representatives from the senior class, two student representatives from the junior class, two student representatives from the sophomore class, and the Council-at-Large representative. Selection of the above student representatives and the Council-at-Large representative shall be based on those who received the highest number of popular student votes in the annual elections as stipulated in Article V of this Charter. The delegation shall also consist of one representative from the freshman class nominated by the president from among the freshman class representatives. If any of the student representatives are unable to serve, the President shall nominate student replacements from that particular vacated class, as well as nominate the replacement of the Council-at-Large representative delegate. The two Alternate College Council-at-Large representatives will be elected during the spring elections of the Student Government. Alternate College Council-at-Large representatives vote in place of any of the above representatives not in attendance.

Section 8–The Budgetary Process

  1. At a time no later than the Student Council’s regular October and February meetings, it shall receive and consider recommendations from the Committee on the Budget on general budgetary guidelines based on anticipated revenues and projected expenditures. These shall include maximum allocations for the general categories of spending within the jurisdictions of the various spending categories. It may also include more specific ceilings for expenditure on particular programs or activities such as allocations for individual clubs. The Committee on the Budget may also recommend the establishment of reserve or contingency funds to be allocated later during the term of the Student Council among the various spending categories.
The Student Council must act on these recommendations before the end of October or February, as the case may be. Thereafter, the Committee on the Budget, through the treasurer, shall monitor the actual flow of funds collected, appropriated, and expended by the Student Council, submitting a monthly report to the Student Council on the same.

Within the overall guidelines adopted by the Committee on Clubs, the Committee on the Budget shall have direct responsibility for appropriating funds for the deferral of the legitimate expenses of the Student Council and its members. The treasurer shall be responsible for promptly distributing copies of the budgetary guidelines to all members of the Student Council and other interested parties, and shall similarly make available a monthly list of all Student Council revenues, appropriations, obligations and expenditures. The secretary shall be responsible for publicizing these reports.
  1. The Student Activities Association Board of Directors may establish minimums for expenditures on any activity or organization. Such minimums are automatically to be considered an appropriated portion of the Student Government’s budget, and may be obligated and expended according to such procedures as the Board of Directors may authorize. When minima are established, the Board of Directors must promptly inform the Student Council of the same, specifying the levels and purposes of the funding involved.
The Student Council may appropriate funds for any purpose beyond the levels provided for in the minima.
  1. Until the guidelines have been approved, no funds shall be appropriated by the Student Council for any purpose. After the approval of the guidelines, each committee or member of the Student Council will have the responsibility for recommending to the Student Council the specific amount of funds to be appropriated for programs and activities in its area of jurisdiction. All resolutions providing the appropriation of funds must originate in the proper committee or in a proposal with supporting documentation.
  2. No resolution for appropriating funds which exceed the ceilings for club activities or for any other category of spending, established by the chair of the Committee on the Budget, shall be approved unless it receives an affirmative vote of two-thirds of the qualified members of the Student Council present and voting; nor may any amendment be added by the Student Council to any resolution for the appropriation of funds reported by any committee which acts to increase the amount of the appropriations contained therein. Amendments may be offered in Student Council, however, which decrease this amount, subject to the specifications of the agenda.
  3. The treasurer shall be responsible for disbursing appropriated Student Council funds, provided that no contracts shall be entered into by the Student Council without the written authorization of either the Vice President of Student Affairs or the Dean of Students.
  4. No monies may be disbursed by the treasurer until two full weeks have passed following their appropriation by the Student Council, provided that this requirement may be waived if the budget is approved by the Student Activities Association Board of Directors. During this two-week period the Student Council, if in session, may reconsider any such appropriation.

Section 9–University Student Senate

  1. The Student Government shall also consist of six (6) members of the University Student Senate. The undergraduate student division of the College will elect two delegates and two alternates, and the Graduate student division of the College will elect one delegate and one alternate.
  2. According to the University Student Senate of the City University of New York Constitution and By-Laws, Article I. Section 1.7 and Section 1.8:

A Delegate to USS shall mean a student representative elected by a student government or directly elected by their division of any college comprising the CUNY system. Senator shall be synonymous with Delegate.

An Alternate shall mean a student representative elected by a student government or directly elected by their division of any college comprising the CUNY system. An Alternate is a non-voting ex-officio member of USS when the Delegate is present, and becomes a voting member of USS in the absence of said Delegate.

  1. The highest number of votes will determine the undergraduate and graduate delegates and alternates of the University Student Senate during the general elections. The delegates and alternates must be in good academic standing according to the guidelines specified in this Charter.
  2. The undergraduate delegates must maintain a GPA requirement of 2.5, during the time of general elections and throughout their term. Graduate delegates must maintain a GPA requirement of 3.0. Delegates and alternates are non-voting members within Student Council unless they also hold the position of an executive officer or class representative.
  3. In the event there are vacancies or unfilled positions, the Student Council President will nominate representatives from the Student Council to the University Student Senate. In the case of a tie in votes during general elections, the Student Council will decide by majority vote the delegates and alternates of the University Student Senate.
  4. The University Student Senate delegates are bound by the University Student Senate bylaws.

Section 10–Student Clubs

  1. Any student Club or organization is eligible for funding by the Student Council if its activities further the purposes stated in the Preamble of this Charter, and if it has been certified as meeting the requirements established in this Charter by the Judicial Board or Student Council if the Judicial Board is inactive. In addition, all clubs must meet the requirements established by the Office of Student Life.
  2. No executive officer of any student club may simultaneously serve as the executive officer of any other club.
  3. During the first semester, a newly established club may be reviewed at any time by the Judicial Board, upon the request of any executive officer of the Student Council, any five members of the Student Council, or twenty-five concerned students. Any existing club must submit a compliance packet that outlines the regulations that must be filed with the Office of Student Life to remain a recognized club on campus.
  4. The establishment of eligibility shall not in itself entitle any club to the use of student funds.
  5. Any club purchasing or using equipment financed by Student Activities funds may be required by the Student Council to post surety for the equipment. The treasurer shall require all clubs and agents of the Student Council to present receipts for all expenditures funded by the Student Council.
  6. Items or equipment purchased by clubs with Student Activities funds shall remain the property of the Student Activities Association.
  7. All clubs making contracts with outside agents must have them approved by the Vice President of Student Affairs or the Dean of Students.

Section 11–The Judicial Board

  1. The Judicial Board shall consist of five members, known as associate justices; all members will be nominated by Student Council and confirmed by the Student Activities Association Board of Directors. Members of the Judicial Board shall serve terms of no more than two continuous years, provided members do not experience a lapse in student enrollment and provided members remain in good academic standing. All members of the Judicial Board shall be students in good standing, with grade-point averages of at least 2.5 as undergraduate students and grade-point averages of at least 3.0 as graduate students, at the time of their appointment and maintain such standing throughout their term of office. No member of the Judicial Board may be a member or candidate for an elective position within the Student Government during the period of his or her service. A member or candidate of Judicial Board also may not serve as an executive officer of a student club but can serve as a member of the student club.
  2. The Judicial Board shall elect a Chief Justice, who shall preside at its meetings and shall establish its agenda, subject to modification by the members of the Judicial Board. The Judicial Board must select an advisor for the academic year to oversee the board. The Judicial Board must have a majority vote for the selection of an Advisor. The Student Activities Association Board of Directors must approve the advisor.
  3. Meetings of the Judicial Board shall be in their entirety open to all interested parties, provided that the Judicial Board may meet in executive session when deciding upon charges lodged against any executive officer, member of the Student Government, or to decide election appeals for Student Government, under the impeachment provisions of this Charter. The advisor shall have the right to attend and speak at all meetings of the Judicial Board. The members of the Judicial Board must serve a minimum of five office hours per week. These office hours will be posted outside of their office and submitted to the Office of Student Life. During the office hours, the Judicial Board can certify new clubs.
  4. The Dean of Students will convene the first meeting of each academic year of the Judicial Board by September 15, and the members of the Judicial Board will be duly sworn in individually as they are approved. Thereafter, the Judicial Board shall meet monthly according to a regular schedule, in the same manner as the Student Council. Special meetings may also be called by the Chief Justice of the Judicial Board or upon petition of a majority of its members. Due public notice shall be given of all Judicial Board meetings whenever possible.
  5. The Judicial Board shall keep minutes of all its meetings, which, after a reasonable time, shall be made available to all interested parties. The Chief Justice of the Judicial Board shall make provision that all records of the Judicial Board and copies of Club records be carefully preserved and made available upon request to all interested parties.
  6. Each member of the Judicial Board shall have one vote, unless otherwise provided for, all decisions of the Judicial Board shall be taken by a simple majority of the members, and with a quorum being present.
  7. A quorum of the Judicial Board shall consist of a majority of its members.
  8. Meetings of the Judicial Board shall be conducted according to Robert’s Rules of Order, newly revised, with the exception that the Chief Justice shall, in all matters, carry one vote.
  9. Members of the Judicial Board shall disqualify themselves from voting on any matter bearing upon a student club of which they are a member. Any member doing so, however, shall still be counted present for the purposes of making a quorum.
  10. The Judicial Board may empower agents to assist in the performance of its administrative responsibilities.
  11. Removal of any justice on the Judicial Board may be enacted by a vote of at least a majority of the qualifying members of the Student Council, subject to confirmation by the Student Activities Association Board of Directors.