Grading System

Grading System and Quality Points


Graduation is dependent upon quality as well as upon quantity of work done. A student earns quality points as well as semester hours if his/her level of performance is not below a “D-.” Letter grades are used. They are interpreted in the table below, with the quality points for each hour of credit shown at right.

Grade Quality Points
A 4.0
A- 3.7
B+ 3.3
B 3.0
B- 2.7
C+ 2.3
C 2.0
C- 1.7
D+ 1.3
D 1.0
D- 0.7
F 0.0
I 0.0 Incomplete
P 0.0 Passing (not counted in cumulative avg.)
S 0.0 Satisfactory (not counted in cumulative avg.)
U 0.0 Unsatisfactory (counted in cumulative avg.)
WD 0.0 Medical Withdrawal
W 0.0 Withdrawal
NR 0.0 No Report
  • A grade in the “A” range indicates distinguished performance in a course.
  • A grade in the “B” range indicates an above-average performance in class.
  • A grade in the “C” range indicates an average performance in which a basic understanding of the subject has been demonstrated.
  • A grade in the “D” range indicates a passing performance despite some deficiencies.
  • A grade of “F” indicates failure.

Grades of “A” through “F” are permanent grades and may not be changed except in case of error. After an instructor has certified a grade to the Registrar, he/she may change it before the end of the next regular grading period. The change must be made in writing and have the written approval of the Department Chair.

Faculty should submit final course grades electronically via OnTrack, adhering to the deadlines set by the Registrar’s Office and published each year in the University calendar.

The student and the student’s academic advisor may view grades on OnTrack any time after the grade has been submitted.

Repeat Courses

Courses repeated within four semesters of attendance (excluding winter and summer sessions) following the first enrollment in the course count only once in computing the cumulative grade point average. In such cases the most recent grade is counted rather than any previous grade(s) received. However, a course repeated more than once will count in the cumulative grade point average each time it is repeated.

Pass/Fail Courses

A student may take two courses outside the major, minor, and Elon Core curriculum requirements on a pass/fail basis. Study abroad courses and Study USA may not be taken on a pass/fail basis. The decision to take a course pass/fail must be made on or before the last day of drop/add

Posting of Grades


In courses where faculty use Moodle or some other University-approved electronic course management system, grades on assignments, tests, and other course activities may be shared directly with individual students in the course. In classes where faculty members do not use an electronic course management system, the grades, which are considered a part of a student’s educational record, will not be released or posted in any personally identifiable form, including listing by student identification/social security number, unless the student gives written consent.

Acceptable alternatives for distributing test results and grade information to students include:

  • Posting grades by student identification number of all students who sign a consent statement for each occasion on which grades are to be posted or for the entire semester. The written consent may be obtained by a petition to be signed by all members of the class who wish their grades posted or by having a consent statement on the answer sheet of each test or exam.
  • Posting grades without a consent statement by using a system of random numbers or letters or other symbols, not personally identifiable, known only by the faculty member and the individual student.
  • Mailing grades in self-addressed and self-stamped envelopes.
  • Leaving examinations and other graded material with the secretary assigned to his/her department who may distribute the material to students who offer sufficient identification.

Mid-Semester Grades


Mid-semester assessments constitute formalized feedback for students prior to the course withdrawal date and are a vital means of communication between faculty and students. Faculty members are encouraged to communicate clearly to their classes the meaning of the mid-semester assessment, including how it was determined. The intent of the mid-semester assessment is to provide early, accurate, and significant feedback regarding a student’s progress in the course, making it helpful to both students and their advisors. At the mid-semester assessment, students must be assigned either:

  • S - Making satisfactory progress in this course
  • AR - At risk for non success in this course

A student may be "at risk for non success" if:

  1. They are currently earning a course grade of C- or lower.
  2. Have exhibited behaviors that may impede the likelihood of success in the course including, but not limited to:
    1. Excessive absences
    2. Late assignments
    3. Lack of class preparation
    4. Unproductive or disruptive classroom behavior
    5. Any combination of the above

Final Grades


Final grades for each course are to be submitted electronically via OnTrack by the deadlines specified in the University calendar. In the spring term, grades for graduating seniors are due on an accelerated schedule published by the Registrar’s Office. In determining grades, faculty members are expected to conform to University policy and established professional norms.

Academic Warning, Probation, and Suspension


At least a “C” average (grade point average of 2.00) is necessary to satisfy the institution’s academic requirements. Records of each student whose grades fall below this average in any semester are reviewed by the Academic Standing Committee, which may place the student on academic probation or suspend the student. One academic semester must elapse before the student suspended for failure to maintain normal academic progress is eligible for reinstatement. A student who is suspended a second time for academic reasons is normally not readmitted to the University for further study.

Incomplete Grade Policy


An “I” grade signifies incomplete work because of illness, emergency, extreme hardship, or self-paced courses. It is not given for a student missing the final examination unless excused by the Department Chair upon communication from the student. In any case, an instructor giving the grade of “I” will note the reason for the grade in the “comments” column of the final grade report.

The student receiving a grade of “I” completes all work no later than nine class days after mid-semester grades are due in the following regular semester. A final grade is submitted to the Registrar by the instructor by the deadline listed in each year’s academic calendar. After this date, the “I” grade automatically changes to “F” unless an extension is granted by the Dean of the school/college.

The precise dates in fall and spring semesters by which all work toward removing an “I” grade is due to the instructor are printed in the official University calendar and the Academic Catalog, both available online.

When a student has an “I” grade, the faculty advisor is encouraged to recommend a lighter load the next semester.