Mid-Semester Grades


Mid-semester assessments constitute formalized feedback for students prior to the course withdrawal date and are a vital means of communication between faculty and students. Faculty members are encouraged to communicate clearly to their classes the meaning of the mid-semester assessment, including how it was determined. The intent of the mid-semester assessment is to provide early, accurate, and significant feedback regarding a student’s progress in the course, making it helpful to both students and their advisors. At the mid-semester assessment, students must be assigned either:

  • S - Making satisfactory progress in this course
  • AR - At risk for non success in this course

A student may be "at risk for non success" if:

  1. They are currently earning a course grade of C- or lower.
  2. Have exhibited behaviors that may impede the likelihood of success in the course including, but not limited to:
    1. Excessive absences
    2. Late assignments
    3. Lack of class preparation
    4. Unproductive or disruptive classroom behavior
    5. Any combination of the above