Course Expectations

Introduction to the Course


At the first class meeting of the term, every faculty member teaching a course should, among other things, introduce the students to the major aspects of the course. The entire period will be required; no classes should solely be given assignments and dismissed. Topics of discussion regarding introduction to the course should include the following:

  • Announcement of the time of all meetings, including such requirements as laboratory periods, scheduled in connection with the class
  • Statement of the prerequisites of the course; students not eligible for the course should be sent immediately to the Registrar’s Office
  • Discussion of the objectives and the value to be derived from the course
  • Discussion of the contents of the course
  • Statement of the complete requirements of the course: textbook(s) and required library readings; number and nature of required reports, themes, and term papers; supplementary readings; types of quizzes/examinations to be used
  • Explanation of method for computing the final course grade
  • Distribution of a course syllabus containing course goals, a copy of the Elon University Honor Code, and relevant data from the items above
  • Explanation of the Elon University’s Honor Code and how it will be applied in the course.
  • Review emergency action information with students and encourage everyone to enroll in the University’s emergency text system.

Class Rolls


Faculty members should review their tentative class rolls on OnTrack before the first day of classes. If a student is present whose name is not on the roll, the faculty member should send the student to the Registrar’s Office immediately. If the name of a student not present appears on the roll, the faculty member should report the absences to the Registrar and/or Academic Advising.

Class rolls will be updated throughout the registration period, and the permanent class roll will appear on OnTrack. The faculty members should inform the Registrar immediately of any discrepancies between class membership and rolls. Students not officially enrolled in the class may not receive credit and should not be permitted to attend.

Reading Lists


Careful consideration should be given to the use of reading lists and the implementation of a reading program for students. Where appropriate to the course, such a reading list will help students become acquainted with the great books that form the core of a liberal arts university education. The institution takes seriously the importance of the library to the educational experience. Each instructor is strongly encouraged to incorporate library usage into his/her courses.

Term Papers


For term papers (research papers assigned significantly in advance of their submission deadline) the instructor should announce the general nature of the requirements the first day of class or as soon after as possible. Further announcements as to other details should be given to the class in a timely manner before the paper is due.

Testing Procedures


Periodic testing (testing over work covered in a significant period of time such as a month) should always be planned and announced in advance, allowing fair notice for students to prepare. At least a week is considered fair. These periodic tests should not be given during the final week prior to semester examinations.

Students must be allowed to see their graded test papers for each test given during the term. Students should be apprised of the quality of their work either in written comments or through general content review during a later class period.

Final Examinations


The University calendar provides a week at the end of each semester for final exams. A three-hour period is set aside for an exam for each course. The dates and times of final exams are set by the Provost/Executive Vice President and are available on OnTrack. Exam times may not be changed by the faculty member/students, and no student may be excused from a scheduled examination without appropriate authorization as stated in this section. At the request of a student, the faculty member should allow the student to see the graded final exam paper. Customarily, students are not permitted to keep final exams.

The final exam period should be used for a culminating final exam or activity. When pedagogical concerns dictate, other meaningful and significant use of the time may occur with notification to the Department Chair. In rare cases when the exam period will not be used, the time should be made up in other ways to be determined in consultation with the Department Chair.

When constructing syllabi and determining assignments and deadlines for the final weeks of classes and exam week, faculty members should make decisions that reflect respect for the integrity and length of the exam week and consideration of students’ performances and obligations in other classes.

Independent Study Guidelines


Independent study application forms are available at the Registrar’s Office. Instruction by independent study can be a stimulating experience for instructor and student alike. In order for this to occur, the faculty adopted the following guidelines for independent study:

Independent study is designed for students who:

  • in the opinion of the course director and the Department Chair, are academically talented; and/or
  • need a specific catalog course to graduate.

Guidelines for independent study:

  • The requirements for an independent study course should be roughly equivalent to those of a course taught in a regular classroom environment.
  • Normally, independent study will not be used to repeat a course and will be limited to juniors and seniors
  • Independent study will not be used to avoid a specific professor.
  • Normally, a student will be enrolled in only one independent study course at a time.
  • Normally, a professor will direct no more than eight hours of independent studies at a time.
  • Normally a four-hour course will require one fall or spring semester's time.
  • A student will not be allowed to enroll in a course by independent study if the same course is scheduled for that semester.

Special Courses


Courses are not to be given privately or to small groups of students without the approval of the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs. Under NO circumstances is a faculty member permitted to receive money from a student for private instruction. The student pays money only to the Bursar’s Office and the teacher is paid only by the institution.