Policies Governing Official Interactions Between Faculty Members and Administrators or Human Resources Personnel


When administrators or personnel of the Office of Human Resources meet with faculty members, all participants have the right to the following:
  • to be informed, at the time of the initial contact, of the purpose of the meeting; and
  • to be informed, at the time of the initial contact, of who will be present at the meeting; and
  • to be treated with professionalism, courtesy and civility throughout such meetings.
In addition, for meetings with individual faculty, all participants have the right to be accompanied by a university employee of each member's choosing to act as an observer at the meeting unless any of the participants raises a reasonable objection and provides an explanation for that objection. The inviting participant will provide advance notice of any invited observer to all parties who will be present and, unless another participant objects to the observer, the observer will be invited to attend (any objection to an observer is not grievable under the Faculty Grievance Procedure). When such observers are present, they do not speak or otherwise participate, disrupt or delay the meeting and must maintain the confidentiality of the meeting.