Graduate Program General Policies

Graduate programs at Elon University are designed to complement the overall academic and intellectual life of the University community. Insofar as possible, both graduate and undergraduate programs use the same policies and procedures.

  • Faculty - Faculty approved to teach graduate level courses are subject to the same policies and standards as contained in the Faculty Handbook - Employment.


  • Curriculum – Approval of graduate courses and degree requirements (M34Z) is based upon the established process for undergraduate courses and programs. Following approval by the department and the Graduate Council, proposals are presented to the Curriculum Committee and then to the University faculty.


  • Instructional Program: Policies and Procedures – The policies and procedures regarding the instructional program contained in the Faculty Handbook - Responsibilities of Teaching Faculty apply to the graduate program.


  • Support Services – All University support services, academic and otherwise, are provided to graduate and undergraduate students alike. Included in these services are the library, technical services division, academic advising, personal counseling, and student activities.



  • Salary and Benefits – The same salary scales and benefits will apply to faculty teaching graduate courses as to all full—time teaching faculty at the undergraduate level.