2015-2016 Undergraduate/Graduate Catalog

The Grading System

Letter grades, including their plus and minus combinations, are utilized by the School of Graduate Studies. The following grade point equivalents will be used to compute cumulative grade averages: A (4.00); A- (3.70); B+ (3.30); B (3.00); B- (2.70); C+ (2.30); C (2.00); C- (1.70); D+ (1.30); D (1.00); D- (0.70); F (0.00). No planned program credit is awarded for grades of C- or below, but all grades received in post-baccalaureate status at Central Connecticut State University remain on the graduate transcript and are included in the student's cumulative grade average. A grade of NR (not recorded by instructor) will be entered if grades are not submitted in a timely manner. Grades of NR not changed to another grade by the instructor within a year will be changed to an F. (For undergraduates the deadline is the first eight weeks of the subsequent major semester.) Responsibility for removing an NR within this time limit rests with the student.

Additional grades used at CCSU include:

AU Audit (no credit)

INC Incomplete

IP In Progress (Doctoral)

NC Satisfactory completion of a non-credit course

S Satisfactory performance in a non-credit course

TR Transfer credit

U Unsatisfactory performance in a non-credit course

W Withdrawal

The Pass/Fail grading option is not available to graduate students, other than for recording performance on the Comprehensive Examination.