2015-2016 Undergraduate/Graduate Catalog

Grade Appeals Policy

Academic grading reflects careful and deliberate judgment by the faculty member instructing a course. However, the University recognizes that there may, on occasion, be an error or injustice in the determination of a final grade for a course.

Any student who believes that a final grade involved an error or a palpable injustice should confer with the instructor who awarded the grade no later than the fourth week of the following regular academic semester (fall/spring). If the outcome is not satisfactory, the student may present the case next to the department chair who may effect a settlement upon written agreement with the instructor. Further appeal shall be to the dean of the appropriate academic school, and, if no settlement can be effected, to the Grade Appeals Review Board of the Academic Standards Committee. The full text of the Appeals for Grade Changes Policy may be found on the Academic Standards and Regulations page of the Undergraduate Catalog linked here and in the School of Graduate Studies Handbook.