2015-2016 Undergraduate/Graduate Catalog

Non-Graded Appeals

A formalized process for appealing non-graded, performance-based assessments, such as comprehensive examinations, degree candidacy, etc., has been established by the Graduate Studies Committee. Similar to grade appeals, a student who believes that an error or a palpable injustice has occurred should first confer with the department to which the appeal is directed. If the outcome is not satisfactory, further appeal shall be to the dean of the appropriate academic school. If no settlement can be effected, the student should bring the appeal to the Standing Appeals Committee of the Graduate Studies Committee. (Contact may be made through the dean of the School of Graduate Studies, 102 Barnard Hall.) The Graduate Appeals Committee will meet as a group to determine whether there is merit to an appeal of a non-graded, performance-based assessment by reviewing documents and records that are presented with the appeal. If the Appeals Committee believes that additional information is needed, the committee will request clarification from the department and/or student. The Committee's determination will be based on whether the student was denied due process. The Appeals Committee will render its decision in writing by notifying the graduate student and copying the dean, School of Graduate Studies.