2015-2016 Undergraduate/Graduate Catalog

Transfer Policy for Graduate Credits Earned at Regionally Accredited Institutions of Higher Education in the US and Non-Affiliated International Institutions of Higher Education

Students may request transfer credit for graduate courses completed at another regionally accredited institution of higher education or a college/university of equivalent status outside of the U.S. that is not a CCSU Partner and Affiliate Institution of Higher Education.

All credit presented for transfer must show an earned grade of 3.00 (B) or higher, must be included on the student's planned program of graduate study at Central Connecticut State University, and must be completed within the six-year period preceding graduation and conferral of the graduate degree. Courses which were applied to a previously completed degree will not be transferred to a new degree program.

The amount of graduate work transferable to a graduate degree program is limited to a maximum of nine credits for programs requiring 30 to 35 credits or 25 percent of the total credits for programs requiring 36 credits or more, not including prerequisites. The number of credits transferable to a CCSU Official Certificate Programs is limited to a maximum of six credits. (Some programs may have more stringent policies for either degree or non degree programs.) In order to be transferred, a course or courses must be determined to be:

  • graduate level from an regionally-accredited institution or an out-of-country equivalent authorized to grant graduate degrees;
  • passed with an earned grade of 3.00 (B) or higher or an equivalent (Pass/fail courses may not be transferred);
  • within the six-year limit at the time of graduation from CCSU;
  • recorded on an official transcript from the granting institution; and
  • included on the planned program by the graduate program advisor.

When international credits are presented for transfer, official transcripts must be provided from the institution attended along with a verified translation of the academic record. In some cases, it may be necessary to seek assistance from an agency recognized by the National Association of Credential Evaluation Services during the credit evaluation process.

Students who have been admitted to graduate programs must obtain prior written approval from their advisors and the dean of the School of Graduate Studies/designee if they wish to take courses at another institution for transfer into their planned programs of graduate study. Forms for requesting transfer and substitution of credit are available in the Office of the School of Graduate Studies and the Enrollment Center/Office of Continuing Education. Students who do not receive prior approval may not be able to use courses from other institutions as part of their planned programs. Students are responsible for requesting that an official transcript of any approved transfer courses is sent to the Graduate Studies Office. Students should be aware that "continuing education units" (CEUs) may not be transferred to graduate degree programs or applied toward the completion of graduate degree requirements.

Graduate students are advised that the Connecticut Department of Higher Education as well as our various accrediting organizations have very strict policies concerning the recognition of credit awarded by non-collegiate institutions. The University has only one agreement with a non-collegiate institution, that of the Institute of Technology and Business Development (ITBD), a comprehensive business outreach facility of CCSU. Students seeking CCSU course credit thus associated with ITBD must demonstrate to the relevant department that they have the course content and have met the minimum number of contact hours as required. Further demonstration of knowledge and skill competencies is at the discretion of the department. Graduate students in non-degree Post Baccalaureate Teacher Certification programs may receive an advisor’s agreement to offset undergraduate general education deficiencies through departmentally approved subject examinations from the College Level Examination Program (CLEP) of the College Board. The same rules that govern undergraduate students in teacher certification programs as specified in the undergraduate catalog will apply to graduate students. Passing results for such CLEP exams may be posted on graduate records for students enrolled in Teacher Certification Programs. Official results for advisor-approved examinations must be submitted for consideration to the Graduate Studies Office.