2015-2016 Undergraduate/Graduate Catalog

Extensions Requests for the Six-Year Time Limit

If a student, due to extenuating circumstances, anticipates that he/she will be unable to complete all degree requirements within the six-year time limit, the student may request an extension by writing to the graduate advisor who will forward it with recommendations to the dean, School of Graduate Studies. When making the request, the student should include the semester and year in which he or she expects to complete the degree and the reason for not meeting the six-year time limit. If the dean, School of Graduate Studies, deems the request justified, an extension will be granted. However, for programs of 30-35 credits, a maximum of eight years will be allowed in total to complete the degree; for programs of 36 credits or more, a maximum of nine years will be allowed.

Even if an extension is granted, however, any courses that were completed before those 8 years (in the case of programs of 30-35 credits) or 9 years (in the case of programs of 36 credits or more) prior to the year in which the graduate degree is to be granted may not be counted toward the completion of that degree