2015-2016 Undergraduate/Graduate Catalog

Credits Earned During Study Abroad at CCSU Partner and Affiliate Institutions of Higher Education

Coursework completed while studying abroad at one of CCSU’s approved study abroad partner and affiliate institutions (as identified on the Center for International Education’s website) shall be treated in the same manner as coursework undertaken on the CCSU Campus. (As a result, these courses will not fall under the transfer policy.) Course equivalencies shall be identified by the faculty advisor prior to study abroad and the actual grade earned abroad will be posted to the student’s transcript, with the grade earned calculating into the overall GPA. Students may not select which courses are brought onto their CCSU academic record; all grades (A through F) will be recorded and made part of the student’s academic record at CCSU.

This policy is particularly relevant to the MA Modern Language: HNAIU Specialization, given that courses taken at the University of Salamanca are required for the MA Modern Languages, HNAIU Specialization, degree. The Modern Language department has stipulated that the 9 credits of graduate coursework taken at the University of Salamanca will be the only credits accepted outside CCSU.