2019-20 Student Handbook and Wellness Guide


Drinking is so much a part of American culture that we take it for granted. We drink at home, at parties, in bars, in restaurants, and at football games. We drink to relax, to break the ice, to celebrate, to show off, and to forget. We often forget that we have a choice ‐ to drink or not to drink. The choice is ours alone, and we alone are responsible for the decision.

When deciding what role alcohol should play in your life, you should consider not drinking at all. Join the 50 million adults who have chosen not to drink.

Alcohol is potent-it affects the brain powerfully and quickly. Alcohol kills. It is a major factor in motor vehicle accidents, drownings and violent crime. Alcohol destroys. It ruins careers, breaks up families, and leads to personal tragedy.

Long-term excessive abuse of alcohol increases the risks of heart disease, liver disease, cancer, brain damage, mental disorders, loss of sexual functions and blood disorders. Alcohol abuse during pregnancy can cause birth defects and other fetal abnormalities.

A small minority of us are problem drinkers. Check the list below to see if you fall into this category.

  1. Family, social, job or financial difficulties due to drinking.
  2. Loss of ability to control drinking.
  3. "Blackouts," or forgetting what happened while drinking.
  4. Distressing reactions if drinking is stopped.
  5. A need to drink increasingly more to get the desired effect.
  6. Changes in behavior or personality when drinking.
  7. Getting drunk frequently-more than four times a year.
  8. Injuring oneself or someone else while intoxicated.
  9. Breaking the law while intoxicated.
  10. Starting the day with a drink.

If your choice is to continue to drink, be sure you are a responsible drinker as described below.

  1. Drinks while relaxing, not to relax.
  2. Eats before and during drinking.
  3. Has two or fewer drinks daily.
  4. Abstains periodically.
  5. Doesn't rush or rush others when drinking.
  6. Feels comfortable alternating alcoholic with non‐alcoholic drinks.
  7. Follows legal sanctions pertaining to drinking (legal age, driving while intoxicated, etc.).
  8. Recognizes alcohol as a potent drug.
  9. Respects the right of others to drink or not to drink.

If you know someone who is not a responsible drinker or who seems to have a drinking problem, don't be afraid to talk to him/her about it. Show some concern and offer some support while avoiding preaching or criticizing. Discuss the issue when neither of you is drinking. Be prepared to offer alternatives as to what kinds of professional help are available. Wellness Counselors can help by referring individuals with drinking problems to the appropriate agency or support group.

Haven/HavenPlus & AlcoholEdu
As part of our federal compliance mandate to address Title IX and comprehensive prevention efforts for new and returning students, Augusta Technical College expects you to complete the Haven/HavenPlus and AlcoholEdu courses. Haven and HavenPlus are programs on sexual assault prevention techniques. AlcoholEdu is a program that provides alcohol abuse prevention techniques. These 2 hour online courses are thoughtful, educated, and educating programs for adults of all ages committed to thinking about their life choices, as well as assisting others. Students are requested to complete the courses in their first semester of attendance