2019-20 Student Handbook and Wellness Guide

Life Skills

Stress/Time Management

Stress is a general descriptor for our physical and emotional responses to changes or demands in our lives.

The changes do not have to be negative to be stressful. Starting a new job can be just as stressful as being fired. Some of the changes we experience are "bombs," major stressors like the death of a good friend. However, minor stressors are currently thought to have a larger cumulative effect on us than do the "bombs."

Under stress, your heart beats faster, you breathe faster, your blood pressure goes up, and other metabolic changes occur. Psychologically you may feel rushed, nervous, or irritable; have difficulty concentrating; feel fatigued; and feel time pressured. Stress can also produce various physical symptoms like headaches and muscle tension, sleeplessness, and appetite changes.

Each of us has a unique stress profile. What is stressful for you may not be so for someone else. The same can be said for stress relievers; what works for you may not work for someone else. However, we can make certain generalizations. Good basic nutrition, coupled with regular exercise, regular rest, and regular involvement in an activity that you enjoy help build up resistance to stress. It also appears that having one or more close friends with whom you can and do confide is important.

Finally, instruction in time management, stress management, and relaxation techniques may be appropriate depending on your individual situation. If you feel stressed out, check out some of the relevant sections in this Guide and obtain a copy of our more complete Wellness Guide from a Wellness Counselor. If you need further help, contact Amy Laughter (706) 771-4068.


We have learned a great deal lately about the value of physical fitness. The strength, stamina, suppleness and positive attitude that result from regular exercise play key roles in helping us achieve satisfaction in work and school, relationships, recreation, and health. Conversely, lack of exercise has been associated with obesity; back problems; fatigue; and, perhaps most importantly, a weakened cardiovascular system, which may be more susceptible to heart disease.

There are many benefits to regular exercise:

  1. You will feel better physically. Your heart will be stronger, your heart and lungs will work more efficiently, and you will have more energy.
  2. You will feel better emotionally. People who exercise regularly report a positive sense of well‐being. Exercise is a stress reducer and may help relieve depression and insomnia.
  3. You will look better. Muscle tone will increase and a percentage of body fat will decrease. In addition to burning calories, exercise aids in decreasing your appetite.

A good fitness program should address three important areas: endurance, muscle strength, and flexibility. Remember, an exercise program is only beneficial if you stick with it. Be sure to choose exercises you enjoy. Once you have developed a well‐rounded program, start slowly, work up gradually, and enjoy feeling great.