2019-20 Student Handbook and Wellness Guide

Student Organizations

National Technical Honor Society

The National Technical Honor Society (NTHS) is designed to honor academic excellence for students enrolled in diploma programs. Membership in NTHS is the highest scholastic honor awarded for excellence in workforce and technical occupational education in America. NTHS encourages scholastic achievement, skill development, honesty, service leadership, citizenship, and individual responsibility.

Phi Theta Kappa

Phi Theta Kappa is an international scholastic honorary society for students enrolled in associate degree programs at two-­‐year colleges and technical colleges and institutes. The only nationally acclaimed honor organization serving American institutions offering associate degree programs, Phi Theta Kappa annually initiates some 35,000 students into over 1100 chapters located in the U.S. and its territorial possessions. The organization maintains a “shared commitment to excellence” through its four hallmarks: scholarship, leadership, fellowship, and service.

Professional/Student Organizations

Students are encouraged to participate in local, regional, and national organizations related to their programs of study. The following organizations maintain campus chapters or area chapters for student membership:

American Association of Medical Assistants American Society of Mechanical Engineers Engineering Technology Professional Society

Student Government Association

The Student Government Association, with representation from the student body, provides a channel through which students may exhibit leadership, influence college decision-­‐making, voice concerns, and enhance communication among students, faculty, and staff.

Skills USA

Skills USA was established for trade, industrial, technical, and allied health students. It is a student organization that focuses on teaching leadership skills and offering opportunities for students to participate in skill competitions at the state and national level. Skills USA brings together people with common interests to exchange ideas, discuss problems, and work toward their goals. Students should see their advisors to become a part of the Skills USA team.