2019-20 Student Handbook and Wellness Guide

Blood Borne Pathogens

The Board of the State Department of Technical and Adult Education has a policy on Occupational Exposure to Blood and Airborne Pathogens that governs the actions of faculty and students in this Technical College’s occupational training program and courses when performing tasks, procedures or activities which have the potential for accidental exposure to either blood borne or airborne pathogens. Augusta Technical College has an Exposure Control Plan designed to provide the faculty and students with a recognition of tasks, procedures and activities which present the potential for occupational exposure to blood and airborne pathogens and means of eliminating or minimizing risks in the performance of their instructional duties or student tasks. Contact the Infection Control Coordinator, Ernest Quattlebaum at (706)771-4195 for information regarding the Exposure Control Plan or the programs designated as having the possibility of exposure.