IDS176 Discussing Terrorism
What makes a young twenty-year-old strap on a bomb and walk into a crowded market place? This course examines the history, root causes, modus operandi, life cycles, and group dynamics of terrorist organizations. Furthermore, contributions of political, religious ideologies and Nation State terrorism will be analyzed. Stages within the dehumanization process, influence of media and the challenges of negotiating with terrorists will be explored. Additionally, students will develop strong analytical, problem solving and communication skills, which will benefit them throughout their lives. Fulfills, behavioral science, liberal arts, social science, and open electives.
Communication Proficiency
- BEH - Behavioral Science Elective
- IDSO - ISO Social Science Elective
- LA - Liberal Arts Elective
- MTBS - Mass Transfer Behav Science
- MTHA - Mass Transfer Humanities Arts
- OPEN - Open Elective
- SOSC - Social Science Elective