Procedures for Senior Recitals

Students should observe the following procedures for management and preparation of a Senior Recital:

  • Recital programs need to be signed by the applied music instructor. Recital programs then are submitted to the Department Chair for review. Deadlines for submitting programs:
  • For spring recitals: Monday following Thanksgiving break. 
  • For fall recitals: September 15. 
  • Full recitals (B.A. in Music, B.Mus./M.A.T.: Music, B.F.A. in Musical Theatre) should be 60 minutes in length. Half recitals (B.Mus. in Music Education) should be 35 to 40 minutes in length. B.A. in Music Business capstone presentations should be 20 to 30 minutes in length. B.A. in Music Technology capstone presentations should be 30 to 40 minutes in length. 
  • If a student wishes to play a secondary instrument or sing on her/his recital, the student must be studying both media on campus and have the approval of both applied music instructors (main and secondary medium). The proportions of a composite recital must be at least 2/3 on the primary medium and no more than 1/3 on the secondary medium. 
  • Instrumentalists and vocalists are required to memorize the music for their recitals as per the direction of their applied instructors. Each applied music instructor is asked to explain her/his memorization policy to students at the earliest stages of planning.
  • All voice recitals should include a minimum of three songs in a language other than English. Translations must be included in recital programs.
  • B.A. in Music Technology students who wish to perform instrumentally or vocally as part of their capstone presentations are required to study applied music for at least three semesters on campus. Otherwise, B.A. in Music Technology students should present lecture demonstrations of their work.
  • Students are required to prepare professional quality Program Notes for their own recitals. Each student is responsible for preparing and formatting camera-ready copy of final materials for the printed program. Two websites from the University of Puget Sound serve as resource guides for format and style in preparing program notes:
  • Style Guide for Instrumental Recital Programs: 
  • Style Guide for Vocal Recital Programs:  students/recitals/vocal-style-guide/

Each recital will be graded by Music Department Faculty, whose notes will be available for review several days following the performance. The recital grade will stand as the jury portion of the applied music grade for the semester of the performance. A student is not required to perform a jury during the semester of her/his recital.

Music Department accompanists are available for recitals required as part of a degree program. Manhattanville College pays an accompanist $175.00 for a recital. Student responsibility is an additional $175.00 for the recital. The fee includes the recital and one dress rehearsal and is due the day of the dress rehearsal. If a student performs an elective recital, it is the responsibility of the student to find and compensate an accompanist. Rehearsal time and space with an accompanist will be made available during the semester of the recital, but use of Pius X Recital Hall must be scheduled in the Music Department Office.