MSBL5605 Health Care Management

Health care plays a vital role in both our economy and our society and it is an exciting time for health care management. The business is changing and growing more rapidly than almost any other field today and will require people who can manage the changes taking place and make a significant contribution to improving the health of the communities and organizations served. This Health Care Management course will be highly interactive where students will learn about the health care business, the challenges and opportunities a health care manager encounters while working within the different types of health care organizations, and the key role managers play now and in the future. Students will gain significant insights into this complex industry and what the future will be like for those working in this exciting field. Health Care Management, while providing some students with a potential new career direction, also ensures every student will come away with the core competencies required for leadership and management in health care and across all industries today. The course will provide skills, generate ideas, and broaden every student's knowledge base thereby creating a more valuable employee or a successful entreprenuer. Topics will include the U.S. health care system, leadership vs. management in health care, health care finance and economics, laws and regulations, strategic planning, marketing, communications and the increasing role of social media, the government and health care, the competitive landscape, international health care, legal and ethical concerns, building and managing high performing teams, and careers in health care management. At the successful completion of this class, students will take away a new perspective on this exciting industry, the role it plays in this country and around the world, and the impact they can have as a manager and leader.
