University Appeal Board


Membership List Y34U

Areas of Committee Concern

The University Appeal Board is concerned with reviewing appeals of cases heard by the Honor Board or other hearing officers for violations of academic or social policies in the Code of Conduct.


  • Designee of the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, who serves as chair and convener for appeals related to academic policy violations
  • Assistant Vice President for Student Life/Dean of Campus Life, or designee of the Vice President for Student Life, who serves as convener for appeals related to social policy violations
  • Six members of the faculty, appointed by the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, or designee to serve three year terms
  • President of Student Government Association or another member of the executive officers, only one serving at a time

Policies and Procedures

  1. The committee meets at the beginning of the year for the purpose of orientation and/or training of members.
  2. The committee considers all appeals of cases heard by the Elon Honor Board or administrative hearing officer upon the request of the student in question. When it does so it may review the case and the written appeal.
  3. Following review, the committee may:
    • Uphold the original decision;
    • Uphold the original decision but change the sanction (more or less severe);
    • Change the not/responsible decision; or
    • Remand the case to the original hearing officer or hearing board.
  1. The decision of the University Appeals Board is final.


  • To convene, as needed, for the consideration of appeals of decisions regarding violations of the Honor Code and Code of Conduct, including academic and social policies
  • To review written appeals to consider the merits of the information in the case file and the appeal request to determine if they meet the grounds for appeal based on established grounds for appeal
  • To make final decisions about findings of responsibility for policy violations and any assigned sanctions, including the possibility of suspension or permanent separation