Micro-Credentials Advisory Committee

Areas of Committee Concern

The Micro-Credentials Advisory Committee is concerned with supporting and evaluating non-credit bearing micro-credentials awarded to undergraduate and graduate students using the name of Elon University. Micro-credentials include but are not limited to badges, certificates, and other non-credit bearing designations of learning.


  • Associate Provost for Academic Affairs
  • University Registrar
  • An additional administrator designated by the Provost
  • Three faculty member with experience or interest in micro-credentialing, appointed for two-year terms
  • One staff member with experience or interest in micro-credentialing, appointed for a two-year term

Policies and Procedures

The committee meets as needed in the fall and spring semesters. A Chair will be elected annually among the members.


  • To make recommendations regarding policies and programs to advance micro-credentialing and enhance their quality across the campus
  • To set standards for micro-credentials
  • To develop and maintain a process to approve micro-credential proposals for designation
  • To receive, review and make decisions on proposals for micro-credentials offered across campus
  • To participate in strategic planning as it pertains to micro-credentials
  • To respond to Registrar requests for advice regarding a system to record micro-credentials awarded by the university or units of the university
  • To report any micro-credentials with impact to the curriculum to the Chair of the University Curriculum Committee and to seek input from the University Curriculum Committee as needed
  • To promote faculty and staff development opportunities regarding best practices regarding micro-credentials and undergraduate or graduate education