The Elon Innovation Council

Areas of Committee Concern

The Elon Innovation Council will advise the President and campus partners on innovation priorities and areas of growth. The Council is concerned with cultivating a culture of innovation on campus and facilitating the implementation of innovative practices.


  • The committee will have nine members. All members should have professional interest and experience in innovation, broadly defined. Members will be appointed for two year terms which begin at the start of academic years.
  • Committee Chair, appointed by the president.
  • One member from Information Technology, appointed by the Vice President for Finance and Administration.
  • One member from the Doherty Center for Creativity, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, appointed by the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs. 
  • Two staff members, appointed by Staff Advisory Council. One member will be appointed in even years. One member will be appointed in odd years.
  • Four faculty members, appointed by Academic Council. Two members will be appointed in odd years. Two members will be appointed in even years. No more than two members may be from a single College or School. At least three of these members will be teaching faculty. Staff with faculty rank are eligible for appointment.

Policies and Procedures

  • The Committee chair will determine meeting agendas, frequencies and formats.
  • All members are voting members.
  • Official committee decisions require a simple majority vote.
  • Committee members should seek input from relevant stakeholders prior to recommendations.
  • This committee is not responsible for representing faculty on general items in the purview of University Curriculum Committee or Academic Council, though the committee may make relevant recommendations to those groups.
  • The committee reports to the President. Major recommendations by the committee should be shared with the Chairs of Academic Council and Staff Advisory Council.


  • To make recommendations to the President and other units of campus as directed by the President regarding innovation priorities, practices, and impact.
  • To serve as a liaison committee between faculty, staff, students, and administrators regarding innovative practices.
  • To facilitate the development of processes, incentives, advocates, and programs to support innovation.
  • To encourage innovation across campus by reviewing and awarding grants for innovative projects proposals that align with the university’s strategic plan.
  • To promote faculty and staff development opportunities regarding best practices in innovation and entrepreneurship.