Community-Based Learning Faculty Advisory Committee


Membership List Y27T.

Areas of Committee Concern

The Community-Based Learning Faculty Advisory Committee is concerned with all aspects of community-based learning.


  • Faculty Fellow for Community-Based Learning
  • Director of the Kernodle Center for Civic Life
  • Faculty members who teach community-based courses including at least one from each of the professional schools and three representing the three branches of the College of Arts and Sciences (Arts/Humanities, Science/Math, Social Sciences)
  • Faculty Fellow for Civic Engagement
  • Director of the Center for the Advancement of Teaching and Learning
  • One administrator with faculty rank who teaches community-based learning courses

Policies and Procedures

The committee meets as needed in the fall and spring semesters


  • To make recommendations regarding policies and programs to advance academic community-based learning and enhance its quality across the campus
  • To assist in planning and implementing community-based learning events
  • To set standards for community-based learning course designation and evaluate course proposals for designation
  • To select students and/or faculty for relevant awards
  • To participate in strategic planning as it pertains to community-based learning
  • To conduct institution level assessment of student learning outcomes for the community-based learning program
  • To advise the Director of the Kernodle Center for Civic Life and the Faculty Fellow for Community-Based Learning in their respective roles