Appeals of Academic Dismissal

A student who has been academically dismissed has a right to appeal the academic dismissal by filing a petition with the Academic Standards Committee. A Sub-Committee on Academic Review is selected from the committee for hearing the student appeals each term. The appeal will be granted if the student can clearly demonstrate the following:

  1. Extraordinary circumstances caused the student’s academic deficiency;
  2. Those circumstances have been eliminated; and
  3. There is good reason to believe that the student can satisfactorily complete their law studies.

A student who has been dismissed for academic deficiency may submit a petition in writing in the form of a letter to the Chair of the Academic Standards Committee. If a student believes their academic deficiency was due to a health-related condition, the student must submit with the petition any supporting documentation of the condition.

The Academic Standards Committee holds hearings on such petitions up to three times a year, but usually in June and January. An August hearing is held when summer classes are offered. Students have the right to one hearing before the Committee, at a time of their choosing, within a year of their dismissal. If the Committee decides to readmit a student, it may impose conditions upon this re-entry to the program.