Student Catalog 2016-2017

Application Process for Financial Assistance

It is imperative the Admissions process is completed in a timely manner. A student must be accepted for Admissions before Financial Aid awards can be determined. The student’s financial aid file must be complete prior to early registration in order to insure no delays in receiving financial assistance for which the student is eligible. WGTC Financial Aid priority deadlines are posted on the Financial Aid web site.

Forms for financial aid are available in Student Affairs-Financial Aid Offices or on the web site at under Financial Aid.

Applicants for financial assistance must complete and submit the following:

  • A current application for admission to WGTC.
  • High School, GED and all previous college transcripts.
  • Apply on-line for the HOPE Application if you are a Georgia resident at


  • Apply for the Free Application for Student Financial Aid (FAFSA) for all students applying for federal aid (PELL, FSEOG, FWS) and/or state aid (HOPE) at, which must be renewed yearly.


It is the Policy of the Financial Aid Office at West Georgia Technical College to verify all Student Aid Reports (SAR or ISIR) selected by the Department of Education prior to awarding financial aid, This verification procedure will be in compliance with the latest published regulations or guidance from the U.S. Department of Education. If a student is chosen for verification, he or she must satisfy all financial aid requirements before the financial aid file is considered complete.

A student’s financial aid award package is determined annually and is based on the student’s current estimated family contribution, cost of attendance, residency, and other financial aid eligibility requirements. Once a student’s financial aid award package is complete, the student will be notified by mail or student email of his or her financial aid award.