Applied Leadership Minor

The Applied Leadership Minor curriculum is only open to those students who are Army Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) cadets. The advanced course curriculum qualifies students to apply for commissions in the United State Army - active duty, Reserves or National Guard. The Applied Leadership Department offers a four-year curriculum in leadership, both theoretical and practical. Students learn the fundamentals of leadership and then progress through increasing leadership responsibilities in order to improve individual levels of proficiency. Many other "life skills," such as time management, oral and written communication, first aid, and personal fitness, as well as adventure training, are also integrated into the program. Students who wish to enroll as a cadet, or to contract as a cadet, must meet certain medical, physical, and military screening standards. The program requires a leadership laboratory, off-campus training, and internship opportunities. The Applied Leadership Department is part of the ROTC program and the ROTC curriculum is included as part of the Applied Leadership curriculum. Students that contract and complete the required courses will be commissioned as a 2nd Lieutenant in the U.S. Army upon graduation from University of the Incarnate Word.

Courses required for the Applied Leadership Minor:

MS 1205: Fundamentals of Leadership and Management

MS 1215: Adaptive Leader and Professional Competence

MS 2305: Foundations of Leadership

MS 2315: Foundations of Tactical Leadership

MS 3405: Applied Team Leadership I

MS 3415: Applied Team Leadership II

MS 4305: Mission Command and the Army Profession I

MS 4315: Mission Command and the Army Profession II