
Communication Arts (MA)

See: Communication Arts (MA)

College/School: School of Media and Design

In keeping with both the liberal arts approach and the mission of UIW, the department seeks to:

  • Cultivate the student’s imagination and creativity in the implementation of theory content and technical application of effective communications;
  • Foster exploration of diverse and alternative perspectives including critical interpretation of ideas, images, and symbols; and
  • Encourage students to examine the role of media in our society so they are prepared to participate confidently, ethically and competently as concerned, enlightened citizens.

The Communication Arts Graduate program addresses the guiding principles and objectives for graduate studies in the following ways:

  • Mastery of both theoretical and empirical knowledge in the field of communications.
  • Intellectual imagination and professional creativity demonstrated in individual theses and projects on various issues of communications.
  • Critical analysis of mediated communication in both social and cultural scopes.
  • Articulated presentation of scholarly concepts and professional works.
  • Contribution to both academic and professional sectors in the field of communications through original research and alternative perspectives.


All applicants to the Master of Arts in Communication Arts will be fully considered for enrollment if they meet the following requirements:

  • Complete the formal Graduate Application process.
  • Provide a copy of their undergraduate transcripts showing that they have earned a bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution in the United States or a comparable degree from a foreign academic institution.
  • Provide a sample of their academic and/or professional work (written articles, videos, demos, etc.)
  • Submit a statement of purpose
  • Interview with the Director of the Master of Arts program or a faculty member.

In addition to the previous requirements, priority consideration will be given to those applicants who:

  • Take a General Record Examination (GRE) and attain minimum scores of 150 on verbal, 150 on quantitative, and 3.5 on the essay section, AND/OR
  • Earned a bachelor’s degree with a GPA of 3.5 or higher, AND/OR
  • Have an outstanding portfolio that showcases their professional experience in a communication related field.

Apply to UIW

Application for Master of Arts in Communication Arts program


Program of Study (36-hour program)

Requirements for a Master of Arts in Communication Arts: The degree requires a minimum of 36 hours of graduate study, which includes 12 hours of Communication Arts core courses, and 18 to 21 hours of elective/specialty coursework, and 3+ hours of Mastery Level coursework.

Core Requirements (12 semester hours)

COMM 6301Communication Theory


COMM 6307Introduction to Graduate Studies in Communication Arts


COMM 6308Writing and Research Techniques


COMM 6309Communication Research Methods


Students may elect to pursue the degree either as full-time or part-time students. The load for a full-time student is no less than six (6) credit hours per semester; anything less than six (6) hours is considered part-time. See the course load policy. Full-time students complete the traditional program in 2 academic years and the ABM in one and a half years. Consult with your advisor concerning your individual degree plan.

Elective Coursework (Choose 18 hours of electives from the following courses.)

COMM 6302Media Ethics


COMM 6304Aesthetics of Visual Perception


COMM 6315Seminar in Film Studies


COMM 6322Seminar in Media Studies


COMM 6323Advanced Media Writing


COMM 6327Seminar in Bilingual Communication


COMM 6332Seminar in Convergent Media


COMM 6337Seminar in Communication Studies


COMM 6342Seminar in Strategic Communications


COMM 6345Practicum in Specialized Area of Study



COMM 6198Directed Studies in Communication Arts



COMM 6298Directed Studies in Communication Arts



COMM 6398Directed Studies in Communication Arts


COMM 6302: May be required course for ABM students

COMM 6315, COMM 6322, COMM 6327, COMM 6332, COMM 6337, COMM 6342, COMM 6198, COMM 6298, COMM 6398: May be repeated for credit. Course topics vary. See course topics at the end of the catalog.

Students must take elective coursework necessary to complete the 36-hour requirement for the Master of Communication Arts. Classes related to Communication Arts concentrations and other programs may be taken as electives with the approval of the Graduate Coordinator.

Mastery Coursework Requirements

COMM 63TRThesis Research


COMM 61TRThesis Research



COMM 63CS1Communication Capstone



COMM 61TR: continuation of COMM 63TR if needed

Note: 63TR and 61TR are not to be taken concurrently; students will be registered in a course that is supervised by the Graduate Coordinator. All work will be done with students’ individual committee chairperson. Fulfillment of requirements will be verified by committee and signed off by the graduate coordinator.

COMM 61CS: continuation of COMM 63CS1 if needed

Note: 63CS1 and 61CS1 are not to be taken concurrently; students will be registered in a course that is supervised by the Graduate Coordinator. All work will be done with students’ individual committee chairperson. Fulfillment of requirements will be verified by committee and signed off by the Graduate Coordinator.

Accelerated Bachelor's to Master’s Programs in Communication Arts

Accelerated Bachelor’s to Master’s Programs (ABM) are available to undergraduate students who have met the necessary prerequisites as students in the Communication Arts undergraduate program. The three ABM programs, Bilingual Communication, Convergent Media, and Media Studies, are open only to UIW students who have been admitted to and who have matriculated through the required undergraduate degree plan for the ABM.

ABM students will be awarded both the BA and MA in Communication Arts upon completion of all coursework hours required in both programs and the Mastery Coursework Requirements.

ABM Admissions

Students wishing to enter the Communication Arts graduate ABM program must meet all university graduate admissions requirements.

  1. Fulfill the following criteria: reach a minimum of 75 hours of undergraduate work in the UIW Communication Arts program and apply as an ABM student.
  2. Submit a completed formal Graduate Application, available here: www.uiw.edu/admissions/apply.html
  3. Interview with the Communication Arts Coordinator of Graduate Studies and submit a writing sample to the Coordinator prior to beginning classes. Click here to view the director’s contact information.
  4. Meet with your assigned adviser.
  5. Attend ABM orientation.
  6. Complete 9 hours of graduate credit and take the Graduate Record Examination (GRE) if GPA is between 2.5 and 3.49. GRE minimum scores are required: Verbal Reasoning 147 and Analytical Writing 3.5. Test scores are valid for five years.
  7. An ABM applicant with a 3.5 GPA or above will automatically be considered eligible for admission to graduate school.

ABM Concentrations (30-hour programs)

Bilingual Communication Concentration

Requirements for the ABM with a Bilingual concentration requires a minimum of 30 hours of graduate study, which includes 12 hours of Communication Arts core courses and 15 hours of elective coursework.

Core Requirements (12 semester hours)

COMM 6301Communication Theory


COMM 6307Introduction to Graduate Studies in Communication Arts


COMM 6308Writing and Research Techniques


COMM 6309Communication Research Methods


Students must take elective coursework necessary to complete the 30-hour requirement for the Master of Communication Arts. The load for a full-time student is no less than six (6) credit hours per semester; anything less than six (6) hours is considered part-time. See course load policy in the current bulletin. Full-time students complete the ABM in one and a half years. Consult with your advisor concerning your individual degree plan.

Elective Coursework (Choose 15 hours of electives from the following courses.)

COMM 6302Media Ethics


COMM 6323Advanced Media Writing


COMM 6304Aesthetics of Visual Perception


COMM 6322Seminar in Media Studies


COMM 6327Seminar in Bilingual Communication


COMM 6332Seminar in Convergent Media


COMM 6337Seminar in Communication Studies


COMM 6315Seminar in Film Studies


COMM 6342Seminar in Strategic Communications


COMM 6345Practicum in Specialized Area of Study



COMM 6198Directed Studies in Communication Arts



COMM 6298Directed Studies in Communication Arts



COMM 6398Directed Studies in Communication Arts


COMM 6302: May be required course for ABM students

COMM 6322, COMM 6327, COMM 6332, COMM 6337, COMM 6315, COMM 6342, COMM 6198, COMM 6298, COMM 6398: May be repeated for credit. Course topics vary. See course topics at the end of the catalog.

Students must take elective coursework necessary to complete the 30-hour requirement for the Master of Communication Arts. Classes related to Communication Arts concentrations and other programs may be taken as electives with the approval of the Graduate Coordinator.

Mastery Coursework Requirements

COMM 63TRThesis Research


COMM 61TRThesis Research



COMM 63CS1Communication Capstone



COMM 61TR: continuation of COMM 63TR if needed

Note: 63TR and 61TR are not to be taken concurrently; students will be registered in a course that is supervised by the Graduate Coordinator. All work will be done with students’ individual committee chairperson. Fulfillment of requirements will be verified by committee and signed off by the graduate coordinator.

COMM 61CS: continuation of COMM 63CS1 if needed

Note: 63CS1 and 61CS1 are not to be taken concurrently; students will be registered in a course that is supervised by the Graduate Director. All work will be done with students’ individual committee chairperson. Fulfillment of requirements will be verified by committee and signed off by the graduate coordinator.

Convergent Media Concentration

Requirements for the ABM with a Media Studies concentration requires a minimum of 30 hours of graduate study, which includes 12 hours of Communication Arts core courses and 15 hours of elective coursework.

Core Requirements (12 semester hours)

COMM 6301Communication Theory


COMM 6307Introduction to Graduate Studies in Communication Arts


COMM 6308Writing and Research Techniques


COMM 6309Communication Research Methods


Students must take elective coursework necessary to complete the 30-hour requirement for the Master of Communication Arts. The load for a full-time student is no less than six (6) credit hours per semester; anything less than six (6) hours is considered part-time. See course load policy in the current bulletin. Full-time students complete the ABM in one and a half years. Consult with your advisor concerning your individual degree plan.

Elective Coursework (Choose 15 hours of electives from the following courses.)

COMM 6302Media Ethics


COMM 6323Advanced Media Writing


COMM 6304Aesthetics of Visual Perception


COMM 6322Seminar in Media Studies


COMM 6327Seminar in Bilingual Communication


COMM 6332Seminar in Convergent Media


COMM 6337Seminar in Communication Studies


COMM 6315Seminar in Film Studies


COMM 6342Seminar in Strategic Communications


COMM 6345Practicum in Specialized Area of Study



COMM 6198Directed Studies in Communication Arts



COMM 6298Directed Studies in Communication Arts



COMM 6398Directed Studies in Communication Arts


COMM 6302: May be required course for ABM students

COMM 6322, COMM 6327, COMM 6332 COMM 6337, COMM 6315, COMM 6342, COMM 6198, COMM 6298, COMM 6398: May be repeated for credit. Course topics vary. See course topics at the end of the catalog.

Students must take elective coursework necessary to complete the 30-hour requirement for the Master of Communication Arts. Classes related to Communication Arts concentrations and other programs may be taken as electives with the approval of the Graduate Coordinator.

Mastery Coursework Requirements

COMM 63TRThesis Research


COMM 61TRThesis Research



COMM 63CS1Communication Capstone



COMM 61TR: continuation of COMM 63TR if needed

Note: 63TR and 61TR are not to be taken concurrently; students will be registered in a course that is supervised by the Graduate Coordinator. All work will be done with students’ individual committee chairperson. Fulfillment of requirements will be verified by committee and signed off by the graduate coordinator.

COMM 61CS: continuation of COMM 63CS1 if needed)

Note: 63CS1 and 61CS1 are not to be taken concurrently; students will be registered in a course that is supervised by the Graduate Director. All work will be done with students’ individual committee chairperson. Fulfillment of requirements will be verified by committee and signed off by the graduate coordinator.

Media Studies Concentration

Requirements for the ABM with a Media Studies concentration requires a minimum of 30 hours of graduate study, which includes 12 hours of Communication Arts core courses and 15 hours of elective coursework.

Core Requirements (12 semester hours)

COMM 6301Communication Theory


COMM 6307Introduction to Graduate Studies in Communication Arts


COMM 6308Writing and Research Techniques


COMM 6309Communication Research Methods


Students must take elective coursework necessary to complete the 30-hour requirement for the Master of Communication Arts. The load for a full-time student is no less than six (6) credit hours per semester; anything less than six (6) hours is considered part-time. See course load policy in the current bulletin. Full-time students complete the ABM in one and a half years. Consult with your advisor concerning your individual degree plan.

Elective Coursework (Choose 15 hours of electives from the following courses.)

COMM 6302Media Ethics


COMM 6323Advanced Media Writing


COMM 6304Aesthetics of Visual Perception


COMM 6322Seminar in Media Studies


COMM 6327Seminar in Bilingual Communication


COMM 6332Seminar in Convergent Media


COMM 6337Seminar in Communication Studies


COMM 6315Seminar in Film Studies


COMM 6342Seminar in Strategic Communications


COMM 6345Practicum in Specialized Area of Study



COMM 6198Directed Studies in Communication Arts



COMM 6298Directed Studies in Communication Arts



COMM 6398Directed Studies in Communication Arts


COMM 6302: May be required course for ABM students

COMM 6322, COMM 6327, COMM 6332, COMM 6337, COMM 6315, COMM 6342, COMM 6345, COMM 6198, COMM 6298, COMM 6398: May be repeated for credit. Course topics vary. See course topics at the end of the catalog.

Students must take elective coursework necessary to complete the 30-hour requirement for the Master of Communication Arts. Classes related to Communication Arts concentrations and other programs may be taken as electives with the approval of the Graduate Coordinator.

Mastery Coursework Requirements

COMM 63TRThesis Research


COMM 61TRThesis Research



COMM 63CS1Communication Capstone



COMM 61TR: continuation of COMM 63TR if needed

Note: 63TR and 61TR are not to be taken concurrently; students will be registered in a course that is supervised by the Graduate Coordinator. All work will be done with students’ individual committee chairperson. Fulfillment of requirements will be verified by committee and signed off by the graduate coordinator.

COMM 61CS: continuation of COMM 63CS1 if needed

Note: 63CS1 and 61CS1 are not to be taken concurrently; students will be registered in a course that is supervised by the Graduate Director. All work will be done with students’ individual committee chairperson. Fulfillment of requirements will be verified by committee and signed off by the graduate coordinator.