Provides intensive practice in oral and written Italian. Focuses on vocabulary building and increased oral and written expression. Active student participation is essential and constitutes a significant portion of the course including class discussions, oral presentations, written reports, responses and essays, using different genres of writing, including, but not limited to diaries, epistles (formal and informal), blogs, text messaging, dialogues, short stories, memoirs, interviews, podcasts, and media language.
The Staff, Maria Prencipe
Explores how the evolution of the Italian culinary tradition and the variety of eating habits reflect the historical and economical changes that took place in Italian society over the most recent centuries. Course is taught in English.
The Staff, Maria Prencipe
General Education Code
Quarter offered
Spring, Summer
Film is used as a medium through which images of Italians and their culture are disseminated, perpetuated, and crystallized. Students focus on pivotal issues in Italian culture, society, history, and politics, and develop an informed opinion on relevant issues in Italian studies. The course is taught in English with a mandatory enhancement section in Italian. The enhancement section meets once a week and is designed to give students who are already familiar with the language the opportunity to discuss the films in Italian and to read/view additional material in the language. Students cannot receive credit for this course and ITAL 80.
General Education Code
Provides a means for a small group of students to study a particular topic in consultation with a faculty sponsor. Students submit petition to sponsoring agency.
Quarter offered
Fall, Winter, Spring
Students submit petition to sponsoring agency.
Quarter offered
Fall, Winter, Spring
Students submit petition to sponsoring agency.
Quarter offered
Fall, Winter, Spring