Introduction to vertebrate history, with an emphasis on vertebrate relationships and the co-evolution of organisms and environments. Specific topics include vertebrate origins, systematics and classification, adaptive revolutions, mass extinctions, and the rise and fall of dinosaurs.
Comparative anatomy and functional morphology of vertebrates, and preservation of vertebrate hard parts, using modern and fossil specimens. Laboratory three hours and one 1-day field trip.
An introduction to paleobiology; the use of fossil evidence to pose and solve evolutionary and geologic questions.
Systematics, ecology, and evolutionary history of the major groups of fossil-forming animals. Laboratory 3 hours and one 1-day field trip.
Geology of the marine environment. Topics include controls on the types, origin, and distribution of marine sediments; geology of oceanic crust; evolution of continental margins and plate boundaries; introduction to paleoceanography. Discussion: 1 hour. Students cannot receive credit for this course and OCEA 280.
The recognition, evaluation, and mitigation of geologic hazards: earthquakes and faulting, tsunamis, volcanism, landslides and mass movements, and flooding.
An investigation of the evolution, morphology, and processes in the coastal zone including the terrestrial (marine terraces, dunes, estuaries, sea cliffs) and marine (beaches, continental shelves, sea level changes, shoreline erosion and protection, waves, tides) components and their interaction. Laboratory: 3 hours. (Formerly EART 105, Coastal Geology.)
Comprehensive assessment of the impacts that the human population is having on the coastal zone globally and the diverse ways in which geologic processes and coastal hazards impact human settlement and development in the coastal zone.
General Education Code
Introduction to geographic information systems (GIS) and remote sensing (RS) as valuable tools in the study of geology. Covers application of GIS/RS to study of surface processes, including landslides, hydrologic basins, coastal erosion, modern floods, volcanic activity and surface deformation.
Basic tools and techniques used in geologic fieldwork. Preparation, analysis, and interpretation of geologic maps. Nine to 10 days of weekend field trips required, including a six-day geologic mapping exercise. Laboratory: 3 hours. Recommended for courses EART 120, EART 130, EART 150, and required for EART188A-EART 188B. May not be taken concurrently with EART 120, EART 150, or EART 188.
Laboratory exercises essential to the successful completion of fieldwork required in course 109. Topics include topographic maps, Brunton compass, rock identification and description, geologic map analysis, structure section construction, and landslide recognition.
General Education Code
Investigation of the processes and mechanisms that have produced the present Earth system, with an emphasis on the temporal evolution of the earth from the Archean to the present. Specific topics covered include cyclicity in Earth processes and the evolution of, and interplay between the planet's crust, atmosphere, hydrosphere, and biosphere.
General Education Code
The chemical properties of Earth materials and the chemical processes by which the planet has evolved to its present state. Specific topics covered include properties of minerals; the genesis of igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary rocks; and the linkage between the solid Earth and the hydrosphere. Enrollment is permitted by permission code with equivalent or exceptional background, or if enrolled concurrently in CHEM 1B.
Physical processes occurring in the interior of the earth, at its surface and in the oceans and atmospheres including plate tectonics, structural deformation of rocks, and material and heat transport.
Laboratory sequence illustrating topics covered in course 110B. Emphasizes identification of the major rock-forming minerals and common rock types; principles of basic crystallography.
Laboratory sequence illustrating topics covered in course 110C.
Series and sequences, vectors, 3D analytic geometry, partial differentiation, matrix algebra, and differential equations with applications in the Earth sciences. Topics include matrix manipulation, systems of linear equations, least-squares, Taylor series, gradients, optimization, analytic and numerical solutions to differential equations.
Introduction to coding through fitting and modelling data. General linear models and spectral analysis introduced with applications to environmental and geophysical data. Introduction to MATLAB included.
Introduces processes involving water on and near Earth's surface, including meteorology, water properties, surface flows in steams and runoff, flood analysis, ground water, water budgets, sediment transport, erosion, and water quality. Problem set and laboratory each week. Laboratory/field: 3 hours.
Earthquakes and their relationship to plate tectonics. Topics include seismological analysis of earthquake faulting, types of seismic waves, seismicity distributions, thermal and rheological structure of plates, and seismic investigation of plate dynamics.
Introduction to programming for Earth and environmental scientists. Course assumes no prior programming experience. Develops useful Python skills for prospective scientists, rather than cover all aspects of the computer language. (Formerly EART 119.)
General Education Code
Advanced programming course designed to cover the basic software design workflow in the context of scientific computing, including specific topics such as using Linux, cloud computing, version control, numerical simulation, computer vision, and machine learning. Learners should bring basic Python experience (e.g., prerequisite EART119A) or significant programming experience in another language. The final project has learners collaborate on developing a scientific computing project, collaboratively implement the project with git version control and then deploy the repository for computation on the UCSC Hummingbird cluster or in the cloud. Taught in conjunction with EART 219. Students cannot receive credit for this course and EART 219.
General Education Code
Stratigraphic principles used in classifying sedimentary rocks. Fundamentals of sedimentary mechanics. Analysis and interpretation of facies and depositional systems. Introduction to seismic facies and basin analysis. Course includes three Sunday field exercises.
Concurrent enrollment in
EART 120L is required.
Laboratory sequence illustrating topics in course 120, including sedimentary petrology, sedimentary structures, sequence stratigraphy, and geohistory analysis.
Course focuses on understanding basic atmospheric weather and climate phenomena starting from the fundamentals of physics and chemistry. Using this approach, covers topics such as atmospheric circulation, precipitation, clouds, storms, urban and regional air quality, atmospheric aerosols, and climate and global change.
A hands-on course in climate modeling with emphasis on computer programming (Python) exercises. Topics include the physical laws governing climate, the hierarchy of model complexity, parameterizations, using models for prediction versus understanding, and application to past and future Earth climates.
Project-based introduction to analytical methods, such as univariate and multivariate statistics, cluster analysis and ordination, and maximum likelihood estimation, using a conceptual approach. Introduction to analysis and programming using the R software package. Students cannot receive credit for this course and EART 225.
General Education Code
An integration of rock mechanics, geophysics, fluid flow, and geology to quantify stress state in the subsurface. Covers a range of topics including: basic constitutive laws for stress and strain, tectonic stress fields, the effects of fluids on rock and fault strength, natural and human-induced hydrofracture, human-induced seismicity, fault, drilling techniques for determining subsurface physical rock properties, and fault zones drilling.
Introduces the methodology for measuring the timing of events in Earth's past. Topics include: radiogenic and stable isotopes, chemostratigraphy and paleomagnetism. Case studies focus on reconstructing the timing of major extinction and climatic events in Earth's history. Students cannot receive credit for this course and EART 127.
Explores the fundamentals and concepts of stable, radiogenic, and cosmogenic isotope chemistry with applications relevant to Earth, marine, and biological sciences.
Covers the science of past and future climate change. Topics include: drivers of radiative forcing; carbon cycle; climate history of Earth; climate feedbacks; detection and attribution of climate change; climate change responses, impacts, adaptation, and mitigation.
Introduction to the relationship between tectonic environments and the genesis of rock assemblages, primarily igneous and metamorphic. Examples from California and elsewhere are used to illustrate petrogenetic processes and characteristic petrologic features of rocks from all major tectonic settings.
An introduction to optical mineralogy and the petrography of igneous rocks.
From the origin of the oceans to the modern climate crisis, this course aims to explore sea-level change over a wide range of timescales. The course links a series of solid Earth processes, such as mantle convection, viscoelastic deformation, and plate tectonics, to the past climate record. Students investigate how these processes contribute to our understanding of past, present, and future changes in sea level and climate.
Introduction to the thermodynamic and kinetic principles with a strong emphasis on applications to Earth materials. Implications for phase equilibria, geothermometry/geobarometry, element partitioning, and physical properties of minerals, magmas, and solutions.
An introduction to the evolution of the Earth's landscape, with emphasis on the processes responsible. Review of climatic and tectonic forcing followed by detailed discussion of weathering, glaciers, hillslopes, wind, rivers, and coastal processes with emphasis on their geographic distribution. One single day and one three-day field trip.
Laboratory sequence illustrating topics covered in course 140. These extensive laboratory exercises emphasize the quantification of the geomorphic processes and forms, and on the writing of concise summaries of the science in the form of abstracts.
Introduction to the formation, composition, and classification of soils; the chemical interaction of soil and groundwater; and basic soil mechanics: stress-strain behavior, effective stress concept, consolidation, soil testing methods. Applications to problems including slope stability, landslides, liquefaction, subsidence, soil creep, debris flows. Laboratory: 3 hours.
Explores saturated and unsaturated fluid flow below Earth's surface, well hydraulics, and resource evaluation and development, flow simulation, field techniques, geochemistry, and contaminant transport and remediation. Weekly reading and problem sets, midterm and final exams, and a final paper.
A sequence of exercises that provide hands-on learning and exploration of topics covered in course EART 146, including laboratory experiments, analytical and numerical simulation, and field methods. Two field trips: one during a normal lab time (three hours); one all-day trip on a weekend.
Introduction to the role of snow and ice in the dynamics of the earth surface system. Snow deposition and metamorphosis. Heat and mass balance at snow and ice surfaces. Flow of glaciers, ice sheets, and sea ice. Methods of climate reconstruction. Ice age theories.
Principles and methods of analysis of brittly and ductily deformed rocks. Includes descriptions of structures, field analysis of structures, and mechanics of deformation. Three day-long field trips on weekends.
Structural analysis of faults, folds, and maps. Use of stereographic projections. Cross section construction and balancing from field data.
The processes, techniques, and interpretations involved in the study of active crustal movements; constraints from plate tectonics; horizontal and vertical motions and rates; geodesy, including GPS; stress measurement; image interpretation; fault system analysis; paleoseismicity; fluid effects. Examples from the circum-Pacific. Laboratory-3 hours. Students cannot receive credit for this course and course 207. Students are billed a materials fee.
Broad introduction to planetary science. Topics include the fundamental characteristics of solar system bodies; space exploration of these bodies; formation and evolution of surfaces, atmospheres and interiors of planets, satellites and small bodies.
The chemical and thermal structure and evolution of silicate planet interiors. Topics include equation of state of mantle and core materials, thermal history of the mantle and core, dynamics of mantle convection, geophysical determination of interior structure. Students cannot receive credit for this course and EART 262.
Comparative study of surfaces and atmospheres of planetary bodies in solar system, focusing on comparative planetology and geophysical processes at work, including differentiation, impact cratering, tectonics, volcanism, and geomorphic evolution. Explores terrestrial planets, giant planets and their moons. Students cannot receive credit for this course and EART 263.
A quantitative study of the origin, chemistry, dynamics, and observations of the atmospheres of terrestrial and gas-giant planets. Students cannot receive credit for this course and EART 264.
Introduces solar system history and geochemistry. Observation methods and tools discussed include major and trace element geochemistry, geothermometry, radiogenic and stable isotopes. Solar system reconstructed through the examination of meteorites from different parent bodies. Taught in conjunction with EART 268. Students cannot receive credit for this course and EART 268.
Introduces fluid motion influenced by rotation. Topics include the Coriolis force, geostrophic flow, potential vorticity, the shallow water model, quasigeostrophic approximation, planetary waves, Ekman theory, thermal wind, models of the large-scale oceanic and atmospheric circulation, and equatorial dynamics. Taught in conjunction with EART 272. Students cannot receive credit for this course and EART 272.
Cross Listed Courses
OCEA 172
Introduces Geographic Information Systems (GIS) for geologic mapping and interpretation. Students gain experience with satellite, air photo, and digital elevation model (DEM) interpretation, and research the geology, tectonics, paleontology, and stratigraphy for field sites in eastern California. Prerequisite(s): EART 109, EART 109L, EART 110A, and EART 110. Enrollment is restricted to Earth sciences majors, and combined Earth sciences/environmental studies majors. Enrollment via an application.
Students spend three weeks in this field course on advanced geologic mapping acquiring and analyzing original data and then another 11 days refining their interpretations. Emphasis is on geologic mapping, stratigraphy, structure and tectonic analysis, and petrology. Students are billed a fee of $1,000. Prerequisite(s): EART 109, EART 109L, EART 110A, EART 110L, EART 110B, EART 110M, and EART 189A and satisfaction of the Entry Level Writing and Composition requirements. Enrollment is restricted to Earth sciences and combined Earth sciences/environmental studies majors. Enrollment via an application.
Faculty research activity, analytic facilities, and career counseling in three separate Earth sciences laboratories are offered with varied formats including field trips, discussions, and equipment demonstrations. Three different faculty participate in each offering.
In-depth exploration of a topic within the Earth sciences. Involves at least one research paper. Topics vary quarterly; consult the current course listings. (Formerly EART 191A, Climate Change Science and Policy.)
Examines a crosscutting topic in planetary sciences (e.g., volcanism) to satisfy the senior capstone requirement. Students are assessed on the basis of an oral presentation and a written report in which a synthetic review is present.
Hands-on practice analyzing real-life observational data including earthquake catalogs, seismograms, gravity, and GPS data. Emphasis on data collection, and access and manipulation skills. Introduction to MATLAB programming included. Students cannot receive credit for this course and EART 266.
Provides hands-on experience to geochemical instrumentation with a focus on data collection. Practical labs apply sample imaging, isotopic major- and trace-element measurements to natural samples. Laboratory sessions are supported by instruction, geochemistry, and Earth science. Students will investigate a new Earth science problem using new samples “unknowns”. Students and faculty instructor will explore scientific literature relevant to this new topic. (Formerly EART 135L.)
Students write a paper on a lesson plan developed after their CalTeach internship courses. This independent study is supervised by Earth and planetary sciences faculty or ocean sciences faculty, as well as a member of the CalTeach staff or Education Department.
Students submit petition to sponsoring agency. Enrollment is restricted to seniors. Prerequisite(s): satisfaction of the Entry Level Writing and Composition requirements.
Students facilitate laboratory and field exercises in conjunction with faculty and teaching assistants in various Earth sciences courses. May not count toward upper-division major requirements. Approval of sponsoring agency; interview, and selection by primary instructor of specific courses required.
Students facilitate laboratory and field exercises in conjunction with faculty and teaching assistants in various Earth sciences courses. May not count toward upper-division major requirements. Approval of sponsoring agency; interview. and selection by primary instructor of specific courses required. Enrollment restricted to Earth sciences, Earth sciences/anthropology, and environmental studies/Earth sciences majors.
A supervised learning experience involving practical application of Earth sciences through working with approved companies, governmental agencies, or research organizations. Students consult weekly with supervising faculty and prepare a final report of their work. Consult sponsoring agency for enrollment criteria. After instruction on resume preparation and interview skills, students must interview and be selected for internship by approved sponsoring organizations. Enrollment is restricted to Earth sciences, Earth sciences/anthropology, and environmental studies/Earth sciences majors.
A supervised learning experience involving practical application of Earth sciences through working with approved companies, governmental agencies, or research organizations. Students consult weekly with supervising faculty and prepare a final report of their work. May not be counted toward upper-division major requirements. Consult sponsoring agency for enrollment criteria. After instruction on resume preparation and interview skills, student must interview and be selected for internship by approved sponsoring organizations. Enrollment is restricted to Earth sciences, Earth sciences/anthropology, and environmental studies/Earth sciences majors.
Introduction to research in laboratory, field, or theoretical subjects as an independent study. Students submit petition to sponsoring agency.
Introduction to research in laboratory, field, or theoretical subjects as an independent study. May not be counted toward upper-division major requirements. Students submit petition to sponsoring agency.