Student Handbook

Security Policy

Student safety is of the utmost importance at Strayer University and we all must work together to maintain a safe and secure campus community. Students should maintain awareness of campus safety, and immediately report issues and circumstances that may reduce safety and security for our students.

Any person in immediate danger due to crime or emergency should contact local police immediately by dialing 911. When the emergency has subsided, the incident should be reported as soon as possible by calling the SEI Emergency Line at 1-877-616-7878.

For non-emergency situations, any person who is a victim, witness, or has knowledge of any criminal activity or other emergency on campus should report it immediately by emailing  Person(s) reporting possible crimes will be asked to complete an incident report and/or witness statement, including the date, time, place, nature of the incident, names of witnesses, if any, and any other pertinent facts, which may be distributed to other University officials as the situation warrants.

All reports will be investigated.  The University does not have procedures for voluntary, confidential  reporting of crimes, unless otherwise required by state law.  Violations of the law will be referred to law enforcement agencies and when appropriate, the Office of Student Affairs or Human Resources, as appropriate, for review.  When a potentially dangerous threat to the University community arises, timely reports or warnings will be issued through e-mail announcements, the posting of flyers at local campuses, in-class announcements, or appropriate means. 

Persons reporting possible crimes, or other emergencies, or violations of the Student Code of Conduct may be asked to complete incident or witness statements, which may be distributed to other appropriate University officials as the situation warrants.

Acts of aggression or violence by a student towards other students, staff, and/or faculty will not be tolerated. If a professor or staff member believes that a student is being disruptive, acting inappropriately or poses any threat to a classroom or campus, the professor or staff member may request the student leave the classroom and/or campus. This may include threats to health or general welfare of the campus community.

Violations of the law and/or of the Code of Student Conduct by a student may be referred to outside law enforcement agencies and/or, when appropriate, to the Office of Student Affairs for disciplinary action. When a potentially dangerous threat to the University community arises, reports or warnings may be issued through e-mail or text communications, the posting of flyers at campuses, in-class announcements, or other appropriate means.

Reporting. No later than October 1st of each year, Strayer University will distribute an Annual Campus Security Report to all students, staff and faculty. This report contains additional information on campus security regulations, recommended personal safety practices, campus crime reporting guidelines, and campus crime statistics for the most recent three-calendar-year period. The report is distributed via e-mail, which includes a link to the University’s website at . Hard copies are available upon request to the Office of General Counsel. The report is also available to both prospective and current students at

Security Cameras. Strayer University, in its discretion, may install security cameras at a campus in order to provide increased security monitoring. Cameras will be placed in visible locations in publicly accessible areas and will not record audio signals. Viewing of footage recorded by security cameras is restricted to authorized Strayer University personnel and outside law enforcement, as needed.

Security Personnel. Local police have the authority to enforce all applicable regulations and laws.  Campus leadership is empowered to work closely with local and state authorities on incidents occurring on campus.  Reports of violations of laws and regulations should be made promptly to the Campus leadership team and/or to security personnel on duty, if available, to ensure that appropriate action is taken.

Strayer University typically employs security personnel during scheduled on-ground class hours to regularly patrol the property and parking areas of the campuses, identifying any unusual activity.  The security personnel are authorized to enforce Strayer University rules and policies but doe not have the authority to arrest individuals.  Security personnel are instructed to call the police whenever necessary.  Security guards regularly communicate with campus leadership regarding campus security matters to ensure all criminal activities are reported.  Where feasible, students may request a security guard escort to parking areas on campus.

Weapons on Campus. Students may not have in their possession or control any type of weapon or firearm on Strayer premises.  A student who is a sworn law enforcement officer may carry a weapon only with the prior approval of the Vice President of Campus and Community and only if the student shows proof of his or her legitimate law enforcement position by presenting valid law enforcement credentials.

StrayerALERT . Strayer University also has an emergency alert system, StrayerALERT, to provide important information to Strayer's students, staff, and faculty about emergency situations at a campus or corporate office. StrayerALERT will use email and text messaging to send short notifications to students, staff, and faculty whose email addresses as well as mobile devices have been registered to receive these messages.

Upon enrolling at Strayer University, students are automattically registered in the StrayerALERT system.  Please login to the StrayerALERT system by going to to make changes to your notification profile. For more information regarding Strayer's emergency managment plan as well as the StrayerALERT system, go to

Notice of Crime on Campus. Throughout each year the Office of General Counsel collects incident reports from the campuses and crime data from local police jurisdictions for inclusion in the University's annual crime statistics report.  Campus incidents are classified according to the definitions in the Clery Act, applicable regulations, and the Handbook for Campus Safety and Security Reporting published by the U.S. Department of Education.  This report to the campus community, including statistics for crimes required to be reported in the Clery Act, is published not later than October 1st of the year following the latest reporting period.  Notification of the availability of this report will be sent via e-mail. A copy of the most recent Annual Security Report is available online at and at Copies also are available upon request by reaching out to the Office of General Counsel for students who wish to obtain a printed copy. Any student experiencing or witnessing criminal activity on campus should report it immediately to a security guard or campus leadership. If a student is in immediate danger, report it to the police by dialing 9-1-1. Strayer University will immediately notify the campus community upon confirmation of a significant emergency or dangerous situation involving an immediate threat to the health and safety of students or employees.

Registered Sex Offenders. Individuals who have been convicted of sex offenses are required to register with state sex offender registries and provide notice of their enrollment or employment at an institution of higher education.  Accordingly, all students who are convicted sex offenders must notify the law enforcement agency of the jurisdiction in which they reside, of their enrollment at Strayer University.  Information on registered sex offenders living and working in the areas near Strayer University campuses (if any) may be obtained through the following state law enforcement websites.  Strayer University is not responsible for the accuracy of data provided on these websites.









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