Student Handbook

Posting, Solicitation, and Distribution of Materials

Posting of printed materials to the University community by students or non-students must comply with established University procedures as to location, time limits, distribution procedures, and removal requirements. Normally, permission to post or distribute an item is granted by the Market Director. Officials of the University may require materials printed in a foreign language to be translated into English prior to approving them.

  1. Failure to adhere to these guidelines will lead to loss of posting or distribution privileges.
  2. Decisions on requests to distribute and/or solicit on University premises will be based on University policies and procedures.
  3. The University reserves the right to restrict, remove, or prohibit posted or distributed materials.

Non-Commercial Distribution

Students may not distribute printed materials (e.g., brochures, pamphlets, newspapers, tabloids, flyers, or petitions) or make other distributions of materials through e-mail to members of the University community unless they have prior written approval from the Campus Director.

When no special facilities or equipment (e.g., room space, audiovisual equipment, copy machine, maintenance setup services, or use of University e-mail) are requested by students, then the following apply:

  1. Distribution of approved printed material may be made in student lounges and on authorized bulletin boards.
  2. Distribution must be consistent with all student conduct guidelines.
  3. Any material remaining after distribution must be properly discarded.

Commercial Distribution and Solicitation

Solicitation is defined as any sale or offering of services, the solicitation of donations for any purpose, or the recruitment of students for any non-University organization.

  1. No commercial distribution is permitted except through the sponsorship of a University organization and with the written approval of the Assistant Vice Provost, Student Affairs or designee . All requests for commercial distribution will be reviewed in light of existing University contracts, and approval may be subject to conditions related to time, place, and manner to ensure non-interference with operations of the University.
  2. Obtaining approved sponsorship and registering the event must be accomplished in accordance with the policies specified by the Assistant Vice Provost, Student Affairs .
  3. Solicitation may occur only in approved areas on Strayer University property .
  4. All solicitation must comply with University policies and procedures and any additional rules established by the Student Activities Committee.