2020-2021 Undergraduate Catalog

PS 110 Introduction to Psychology

Introduction to psychology as the science of behavior, focusing on the physiological, cognitive, learning, sociocultural, and psychodynamic bases of behavior. Note: Students must achieve a C or better in this course in order to take any 200- or 300-level psychology course, except for certain courses taken for TLA credit. 

A prerequisite to BI 205; PS 201, PS 205, PS 212, PS 215, PS 220, PS 222, PS 233, PS 241, PS 252, PS 255, PS 273, PS 274, PS 275, PS 285, PS 295, PS 305, PS 313, PS 320, PS 331, PS 335, PS 351, PS 352, PS 353, and PS 389; PS 350/BI 205; SW 267
