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Sacred Heart University
2020-2021 Undergraduate Catalog
HI - History
HI - History
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College of Arts and Sciences
Jack Welch College of Business & Technology
Isabelle Farrington College of Education
College of Health Professions
The Dr. Susan L. Davis, RN, & Richard J. Henley College of Nursing
St. Vincent's College
AB - Arabic
AC - Accounting
AN - Anthropology
AR - Art & Design
AT - Athletic Training
BI - Biology
BU - Management
BUAN - Business Analytics
CH - Chemistry
CIT - Catholic Studies
CJ - Criminal Justice
CM - Communication and Media Arts
CMD - Communication Disorders
CN - Chinese
CS - Computer Science and Information Technology
CSE - Computer Science and Engineering
CSP - Catholic Studies
CTL - Critical Thinking
CY - Cybersecurity
DA - Dance
EC - Business Economics
ED - Education
ENG - English
ENGR - Engineering
ES - Esports
EX - Exercise Science
FMM - Fashion Marketing and Merchandising
FN - Finance
FR - French
FYS - First Year Seminar
GDD - Game Design and Development
GE - German
GL - Gaelic
GS - Global Studies
HC - Haitian Creole
HI - History
HN - Honors
HRTM - Hospitality Resort and Tourism
HS - Health Science
IL - History
IS - Information Systems
IT - Italian
ITI - Information Technology
JP - Japanese
LT - Latin
MA - Mathematics
MGT - Management
MK - Marketing
MU - Music
NU - Nursing
NUR - Nursing Associate Degree
PH - Philosophy
PO - Political Science
PS - Psychology
PY - Physics
RAD - Radiography
SLP - Pre-Speech Language Pathology
SM - Sport Management
SO - Sociology
SP - Spanish
SVC at SHU - Certificate Courses
SW - Social Work
THR - Theatre Arts
TRS - Theology and Religious Studies
WS - Women's Studies
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2020-2021 Undergraduate Catalog
HI 100
Western Civilization I, Ancient to 1500: Citizenship, Democracy, & Culture
HI 102
Western Civilization II, Since 1500: Economies, Sciences, & Politics
HI 203
Medicine, Disease & History
HI 204
History of Medicine in China
HI 207
History of Latin America to 1826
HI 208
History of Latin America Since 1826
HI 209
The U.S. & Latin America through History
HI 211
Discovery & Conquest 1492-1598
HI 212
Contemporary Latin America
HI 214
French Revolution & Napoleon
HI 216
Princes to Peasants
HI 218
Modern France
HI 222
United States History to 1865
HI 223
United States History Since 1865
HI 224
Society in Colonial America
HI 225
African-American History
HI The American Revolution
HI 226
HI 227
History of American Capitalism
HI 230
The Civil War
HI 231
The Cold War & American Society
HI 232
Reconstruction & Post-Civil War America
HI 233
Gilded Age & Progressive Era
HI 234
Catholics in American Society
HI 235
Women in American Society
HI 236
History of the Arab World I: From Muhammad to the Ottoman Empire
HI 237
American Environmental History
HI 238
The Modern Middle East
HI 239
Women in the Middle East
HI 242
Ancient Greek History
HI 243
Golden Age of Greece
HI 244
Thucydides & the Peloponnesian War
HI 245
Alexander the Great
HI 246
Roman History: The Republic
HI 248
Roman Empire & Christianity
HI 251
Historical Coastal Communities: 1500 to Present
HI 252
Medieval Europe
HI 253
From Rembrandt to Van Gogh
HI 254
The Renaissance & Reformation
HI 255
Celtic & Irish History
HI 256
Thousands are Sailing: The Irish at Home & Abroad 1798-1922
HI 257
History & Memory in Modern Ireland
HI 258
Britain & the Empire 1714-1918
HI 281
Introduction to the Civilization of East Asia
HI 283
Late Imperial China
HI 285
Modern China, 1921 to Present
HI 299
Special Topics in History
HI 300
The Vietnam War
HI 301
Historical Method & Criticism
HI 322
U.S. Foreign Policy
HI 328
The Immigrant Experience
HI 355
The Jesuits & the World
HI 391
History Internship
HI 395
Senior Seminar Preparation
HI 396
Senior Seminar: Special Topics
HI 397
Senior Thesis Preparation
HI 398
Senior Thesis
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