2020-2021 Undergraduate Catalog

AT 275 Organization & Administration in Athletic Training

This course presents an overview of administrative concepts and organization of athletic training. Students gain knowledge in basic management theory and are able to apply skills learned in class through problem-based cases. Students develop budgets, learn key components in creating an athletic training room, focus on real world ethical and legal dilemmas, learn the key concepts to insurance and reimbursement, and visit various settings in athletic training unfamiliar to them. Students will have the opportunity to speak with various athletic trainers in different settings, understand the importance of continuing education, and complete a strength assessment highlighting their professional strengths and attributes. Students will gain knowledge of how to appropriately interview, write résumés and cover letters, and appropriately navigate and network within the field of athletic training.




AT 221 Athletic Training Clinical Practicum III and AT 241/241L Therapeutic Modalities with Lab