2018-2019 Graduate Catalog

Master of Arts in Media Literacy and Digital Culture

The Master of Arts in Media Literacy and Digital Culture (MLDC) teaches students the media literacy skills necessary to critically analyze the intersections of media and culture while fostering their creativity and social awareness. This program focuses on a holistic understanding of media, including production processes and industry practices, critical investigation of content and changing technologies, and the impact of stories and images on audiences.

MLDC offers two different areas of concentration: Children, Health, & Media (CHM) and Media & Social Justice (MSJ). The Children, Health, & Media concentration focuses on media impact on the minds, bodies, and relationships of children, teens, and tweens, while the concentration in Media & Social Justice explores the role of media in reinforcing or challenging power and inequality in social and institutional relationships.

By focusing on the relationship between media and culture, MLDC students become creative and socially aware professional communicators who are able to demonstrate theoretical knowledge and applied skills in a twenty-first century workplace.

Admission Requirements

A bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution and official transcripts from all undergraduate institutions attended are required. A personal statement describing career goals and reasons for interest in the program, along with two letters of recommendation and a professional résumé are also required.

Degree Requirements

MLDC students can choose either the Children, Health, & Media (CHM) or Media & Social Justice (MSJ) track. Full-time students can complete the degree in one year by taking two classes each semester, while part-time students typically finish in two years.

MLDC Required Courses (27 credits)

CM 501Media, Culture, & Communication


CM 503Media Ethics in a Professional Context


CM 540Foundations in Media Literacy


CM 541The Great Debates of Media Literacy


CM 542Media Literacy: Design & Implementation


CM 692/698Capstone I and II

3 CH each

CM 693

Elective 1


Elective 2


MLDC Concentration Courses (9 credits)

Children, Health, and Media (CHM)

CM 543Children & Media


CM 544Teens & Media


CM 545Health & Media


Media and Social Justice (MSJ)

CM 546Race & Representation


CM 547Gender, Identity, & Media


CM 548Media & Social Movements