2016-2017 Graduate Catalog

Connecticut Literacy Specialist Program

102 and 097 Certification and Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS) in Literacy

The Connecticut Literacy Specialist Program (CLSP) provides professional education to graduate candidates in the area of Reading and Language Arts. The overall goal of the program is to prepare candidates to lead educators and school districts into the best practices of school reform available in the twenty-first century. Candidates become knowledgeable proponents of action research and change agents assisting schools in promoting community literacy as well as student performance. The CLSP prepares graduates to promote literacy from a variety of positions within a school system. Candidates’ training will give them the skills to lead staff development, run intervention clinics, chair appropriate departments, manage summer programs, write grants, or provide all of these services in single-school settings. Candidates will study reading and language from a much broader perspective than that of a classroom teacher. Study will include systemic evaluation and programming, the training and supervision of professionals, paraprofessionals, and the utilization of community resources. Further, candidates develop competence through a supervised practicum on and off campus, including a university-based reading clinic. Graduates will be prepared to assume the leadership role in any school system seeking expertise in the area of reading and language arts, perform independent research, or pursue doctoral study. The CLSP accommodates part-time candidates who are currently teaching in a school system.

The CLSP program consists of Remedial Reading and Remedial Language Arts (102) Certification, the Reading and Language Arts Consultant (097) Certification, and the CAS in Literacy. The CLSP is a 36-credit program that is developed in collaboration with an advisor. Candidates applying for the CLSP must have a valid teaching certificate and have taken a course in special education. The CLSP accommodates part-time candidates who are currently teaching in a school system.

The program is available to certified teachers with a master’s degree and a minimum of 30 months classroom experience as a teacher. Candidates are eligible to apply for state reading certification after the successful completion of program requirements and 30 months classroom teaching under a valid teaching certificate.

Tier I: Remedial Reading and Remedial Language Arts (102) Certification

The Remedial Reading and Remedial Language Arts (102) Certification requires 21 credits of study. Candidates may complete these credits as part of a post-baccalaureate degree (MAT or CAS). To be recommended for certification, candidates must provide evidence of meeting 30 months of classroom experience as a teacher.

Tier II: Reading and Language Arts Consultant (097) Certification

The prerequisite for admittance into the 097 program is the Remedial Reading and Remedial Language Arts Certificate. Therefore, candidates applying for admittance into the program must have a valid teaching certificate, 30 months of full-time teaching experience, and have completed all program requirements as stipulated within the 102 plan of study.

CAS in Literacy

Candidates may complete their CAS (sixth-year degree) in the Connecticut Literacy Specialist Program with the addition of one additional course (3 credits) beyond the 33 credits of requirements listed above.

Program Requirements

Sequences I and II are program requirements for Remedial Reading and Remedial Language Arts (102) Certification.

Sequence I—Classroom Instruction (9 credits)

EDR 505Early Reading & Language Arts Success (PK-Grade 3) (formerly ED 513)


EDR 507Developmental Reading & Language Arts (Grades 4-6)


EDR 510Content Area Reading Instruction (Grades 7-12)


EDR 505, EDR 507, EDR 510: Course required for (102) certification.

Sequence II (12 credits)

EDR 540Advanced Diagnosis & Remediation I


EDR 545Assessment & Evaluation: CT Model


EDR 550Clinical Experience I


EDR 555Clinical Experience II


EDR 540, EDR 545, EDR 550, EDR 555: Course required for (102) certification.

Upon successful completion of the first seven courses, candidates apply for Remedial Reading and Remedial Language Arts (102) Certification.

Sequence III includes program requirements for Reading and Language Arts Consultant (097) Certification. Prerequisite: Remedial Reading and Remedial Language Arts (102) Certificate.

Sequence III (12 credits)

EDR 527Organization, Administration, & Supervision: Reading Professional


EDR 541Advanced Diagnosis & Remediation II


EDR 691Practicum in Consulting


EDR 692Applied Reading & Language Arts Research


EDR 527, EDR 541, EDR 691, EDR 692: Indicates course required for 097 certification and is available to CLSP students only.

Candidates may then select to complete their sixth-year degree in the Connecticut Literacy Specialist Program with the addition of three more credits in literacy for a total of 36 credits in all.

Sequence IV (3 credits)

Choose one:

EDR 518Reading & Language Arts: Instruction & Assessment (formerly ED 518)


EDR 520Methods of Teaching & Evaluating the Writing Process


EDR 525Methods & Materials for English Language Learners


EDR 552Language Arts Practicum


EDR 560Children's Literature (formerly ED 515)


EDR 562Middle School Literature


EDR 564Young-Adult Literature (formerly ED 505)


EDR 580Reading Interventions


EDR 620Utilizing Technology in Reading Instruction (formerly ED 686)


EDR 690Practicum: Teaching Fellowship - Staff Development