2016-2017 Graduate Catalog

EDR 510 Content Area Reading Instruction (Grades 7-12)

Study will focus on evidence-based methods of teaching reading and writing at the middle and secondary levels that will assist teachers in broadening their repertoire of strategies to increase student reading and writing achievement. Additionally, the course provides the participant with techniques for differentiating instruction for diverse learners in implementing a delivery system in the classroom that includes direct and explicit instruction and assessment of comprehension, fluency, vocabulary, and word study skills through best practices. The course features teacher modeling and scaffolding of strategies, and considers the needs of the diverse learner through differentiating instruction at all grade levels. Course participants design an integrated and student-centered unit that combines evidence-based reading research, extensive reading and writing across disciplines through standards-based lessons, and technology, with a deep understanding of a content-specific body of knowledge and motivating assessments.




Required for certification.