Faculty Handbook

4. Load or Compensation for Special Courses:

  1. Independent Study courses - $100 per student  per credit hour. These are generally discouraged and should only be granted in circumstances that affect a student’s ability to graduate. Requires approval from the Dean of the School.
  2. Internships and Practicum courses are paid at the independent study rate until enrollment reaches 7. Internships and practicum courses that require significant off-campus contact hours may qualify for additional compensation or be factored into a faculty member's load. Such arrangements require a workload calculation and approval from the provost.
  3. Sciences Courses with Labs - 1 extra credit hour for a 4-credit hour course.
  4. Team-Taught Courses may be offered with 2 or 3 teachers. Before being scheduled, team-taught classes must be approved by the appropriate department chair or Dean (the department in which the Teacher of Record is a member). Participating departments must also plan for and budget enough money to cover the stipends necessary to operate the desired courses.

    (i). The Teacher of Record is the one responsible for organization of the class, development, and oversight of the syllabus, attendance tracking, calculating and tracking of grades, and other normal faculty duties consistent with any other contracted class. The other team members are responsible for a minimum of 1/3 of the teaching load and any grading appropriate to their respective material. All team members are also expected to attend and participate in all of the class sessions in order to nurture the desired team-taught atmosphere.

    (ii). Team-taught classes will be handled contractually in the following way:

    Teacher of Record: 3 credit hours

    Team Members: $900 stipend each

  5. Stipends or load reduction may be approved by the Provost (in consultation with the respective Dean/Director) for non-teaching duties such as the following:

    (i).   Inordinately heavy advising load

    (ii).  Special projects

    (iii). Scholarly research

  6. Graduate Courses - Three-credit (3) graduate courses count as four (4) undergraduate credits toward the 24-credit full-time faculty contract load. Each graduate credit is calculated as 1.33 undergraduate credits for any graduate courses that are not three credits.

  7. Off-Campus Instruction - Instructors who are teaching off-campus, such as at an Early College partner high school, may earn a travel stipend, calculated at the rate of $.50/mile from the         main campus to high school x 2 x number of class meetings per semester.

     (i).   $480 for Oxford (assuming class meets 2x/week for the full semester)

     (ii).  $450 for Lapeer (assuming class meets 1x/week for the full semester)

     (iii). $360 for Oakside Prep (assuming class meets 2x/week for the full semester)