Faculty Handbook

B. Professional Development

Faculty members are the primary professionals in the teaching and learning process at Rochester Christian University. Faculty scholarship and current knowledge of the discipline, together with a desire to improve pedagogy, are instrumental to effective teaching.  Therefore, the university places continuous emphasis on the professional development of faculty.

Priority will be given to funding requests for conference registration expenses when faculty are presenting. The university may approve, all, part, or none of the ancillary expenses (travel, housing, meals).

Rochester Christian University utilizes the following process to assist faculty with professional development as funds are available:

  1. The requesting faculty member writes a letter to the dean of their college no later than eight weeks prior to expenses being incurred. The letter should describe the professional development opportunity and its benefit to the department, college, or institution. The letter should state whether or not the faculty member will be presenting, and include details of total expenses and the requested contribution from Rochester Christian University.
  2. If institutional funds (outside of the dean’s budget) are needed, the dean will forward the letter to the provost along with a recommendation.
  3. At least four weeks prior to the professional development opportunity, the faculty member will be notified of their approved amount, and will submit a purchase order for approved expenses.
  4. For reimbursement purposes, the faculty member should follow business office protocols for submitting receipts and an expense report.