E. Academic Administration
Certain responsibilities of an administrative officer are inherent in the office itself, as defined in the bylaws of the Board of Trustees. Others are assigned by the president for expediting the work of the institution and may be reassigned from time to time as circumstances may require. The following list of responsibilities is not intended to be definitive, but to assist members of the faculty in knowing where to direct any problems or questions that may arise. Faculty may also find interest in the institutional organizational charts found in the faculty portal: HR>Organizational Charts.
The most recent directory information with on-campus departments and phone numbers can be obtained in the “Human Resources” section of the faculty portal.
1. President
The president is the chief executive officer of Rochester University, reporting to the Board of Trustees. He or she serves as the official advisor to and executive agent of the Board of Trustees and its executive committee. He or she is responsible for the following:
- Guiding the academic direction of the university and fostering an academic community characterized by the fellowship-creating reality of Christ’s presence in the world
- Leading Rochester University to the next level of excellence
- Supporting the university’s vision and mission
- Providing positive leadership for the Board of Trustees, faculty, administrative staff, students, alumni, donors, and other interested parties
- Exercising strong leadership in advancement and development activities, providing funding of the university, including efforts to significantly increase the endowment, foundation support, and estate gifts
2. Provost
The provost is appointed by the president and serves as the chief academic officer. The provost oversees the following areas:
- Office of the Provost
- College of Arts and Sciences, College of Professional Studies, and Graduate Studies
- Academic Cabinet
- Academic Support Services, including the Office of the Registrar, Retention and Student Success, Library Services, Online Learning, and Advising
- GEO- Global Educational Opportunities
3. Associate Provost for Assessment
The Associate Provost for Assessment assists the provost in budget monitoring, reporting and management. The Associate Provost for Assessment is also responsible for the following:
- Lead and implement efforts related to the assessment of student learning
- Lead and implement data collection and organization
- Serve as the ALO and prepare institutional accreditation reports
- Supervise the Director of Institutional and Alumni research
- Serve as chair of the Assessment Committee and chair of the Capstone Committee
- Any additional duties as assigned by the provost
4. Vice Provost
The Vice Provost assists the provost in budget monitoring, reporting and management. The Associate Provost for Instruction is also responsible for the following:
- Assist with accreditation issues and preparation of related reporting
- Administrative oversight of Early College and the Honors Program
- Oversee annual review/revision of policies and publications of the Academic Catalog and Faculty Handbook
- Plan faculty and staff development initiatives
- Any additional duties as assigned by the provost
5. Deans
Deans are appointed by the provost. Deans receive course load reductions each semester as determined by the provost and have the following responsibilities for their College or School:
- Represent the College or School to the administration
- Strategic planning, including program development, establishing and enhancing academic partnerships with community colleges, promoting faculty development, and establishing or enhancing advisory boards
- Oversee outcomes assessment and continuous improvement of academic programs
- Budget monitoring, reporting, and management
- Manage personnel, including directors or chairs
- Work with the Office of the Registrar to monitor and manage low enrollment course offering
- Actively pursue grants and outside funding sources for major projects
- Selective teaching responsibilities as appropriate
6. Directors and Department Chairs
Directors and department chairs are appointed by the appropriate dean in collaboration with the provost. The responsibilities of directors and chairs include the following:
- Represent the school or department to direct supervisor
- Plan curriculum and academic content for the school or department, including scheduling
- Oversee maintenance or pursuit of program accreditation, if applicable
- Engage faculty in strategic planning for the school or department
- Engage faculty in program review and quality improvement initiatives for majors offered by the school or department
- Recruitment and retention of high-quality faculty
- Manage school or department budget
- Manage school or department personnel, including faculty evaluations and workload and the hiring, training, and oversight of adjuncts
- Selective teaching responsibilities as appropriate
7. Director of Library Services
The Director of Library Services is responsible for the governing of daily operations of the Ham Library. Such responsibilities include supervision of the ordering, processing, and storage of library materials; annual reports and budgets; supervising library personnel, including student workers; and determining the hours of operation. The Director of Library Services reports to the provost.