Art Concentration
ART 4123 is repeatable, so the course title varies. The same course can be taken twice as long as the titles are different.
Choose 12 hours from:
ART 2213, ART 3213, ART 4123 are repeatable, so the course titles vary. The same course can be taken twice as long as the titles are different.
Total Credit Hours: 24
Biblical Studies Concentration
BIB 2333 | Interpreting the Old Testament | 3 |
BIB 2983 | Interpreting the New Testament | 3 |
| BIB 3000 Old Testament | 3 |
| BIB 3000 New Testament | 3 |
| BIB 3000-level textual courses | 9 |
| | |
| Choose 3 hours from: | |
THL 3793 | History and Theology of the Christian Tradition I | 3 |
| OR | |
THL 4003 | History and Theology of the Christian Tradition II | 3 |
Total Credit Hours: 24
Business Concentration
Total Credit Hours: 24
English Concentration
Three hours of Theory:
ENG 3513 | Critical Theory and Literary Analysis | 3 |
Three hours of Language History and Grammar:
Three hours selected from the following upper-division Writing Courses:
Three hours selected from the following Diversity Courses:
ENG 2713 | World Literature to 1650 | 3 |
ENG 2723 | World Literature Since 1650 | 3 |
ENG 4413 | Diverse Voices in Contemporary Literature | 3 |
Six hours selected from the following Survey Courses:
Six hours selected from the following or any 2000 or above ENG:
Total Credit Hours: 24
Film Production
Film Production track (29 credits transferred from Motion Picture Institute (MPI); 24 credits will satisfy the track; 5 credits will be applied as electives).
Financial Planning
Total Credit Hours: 24
General Science Concentration
Select one Laboratory Science sequence (another sequence must be included in the General Education core): 8 hours
Choose 16 hours from:
Total Credit Hours: 24
History Concentration
Choose three: 9 hours
Choose five with no more than 3 hours lower division: 15 hours
Total Credit Hours: 24
International Studies Concentration
Choose six hours from:
Choose nine hours from:
BUS 3033 | International Business | 3 |
COM 3533 | Intercultural Communication | 3 |
HIS 3363 | Critical Eras in European History | 3 |
HIS 3383 | Critical Topics in Comparative and Global History | 3 |
Choose nine hours from:
Total Credit Hours: 24
Mass Communication Concentration
Total Credit Hours: 24
Mathematics Concentration
Students with AP credit in Calculus must take 6 hours from the following: MAT 2233, MAT 2413, MAT 3303, OR MAT 4653.
Total Credit Hours: 24
Ministry Concentration
Choose one:
Choose one:
Choose one:
THL 3793 | History and Theology of the Christian Tradition I | 3 |
THL 4003 | History and Theology of the Christian Tradition II | 3 |
Total Credit Hours: 24
Nonprofit Management Concentration
FIN 3303 | Nonprofit Financial Management | 3 |
MGT 2603 | Principles of Management | 3 |
MGT 3683 | Small Business and Entrepreneurship | 3 |
MGT 3723 | Nonprofit Management | 3 |
POS 2033 | Introduction to Public Policy | 3 |
SEN 2013 | Corporate Responsibility and Social Enterprise | 3 |
SEN 3023 | Sustainable Community Development - Urban | 3 |
SEN 4813 | Nonprofit Management Internship | 3 |
Total Credit Hours: 24
Performing Arts Concentration
Take the following: 10 hours
Choose eight hours from:
Choose six hours from (upper division):
Total Credit Hours: 24
For students who score 80% or higher on the Music Theory Placement test, any THE 2000 or above can be used to replace MUS 1041 and MUS 1203.
Professional Writing Concentration
ENG 3523: or three semesters of ENG 3521
Total Credit Hours: 24
Psychology Concentration
Choose one: 3 hours
Choose one: 3 hours
Choose four courses from the following 12 hours
(at least three must be PSY; at least two must be upper division):
Choose one from:
Total Credit Hours: 24
Strategic Leadership Concentration
LDR 3633 | Conflict Management & Negotiation | 3 |
LDR 3653 | Strategic Leadership Theory and Practice | 3 |
LDR 3713 | Leadership of Teams | 3 |
LDR 3733 | Leadership in a Diverse World | 3 |
LDR 4113 | Leadership Research and Decision Making | 3 |
LDR 4513 | Strategic Change and Leadership | 3 |
Choose two
Total Credit Hours: 24
Theatre Concentration
Choose three hours from the following
Take the following:
Choose 2 courses from the following: 6 hours
THE 3313 | History of Western Theatre: Greeks to Renaissance | 3 |
THE 3323 | History of Western Theatre: Renaissance to the Present | 3 |
THE 4743 | Dramatic Literature | 3 |
Choose 10 hours from any THE 2000+ courses
Total Credit Hours: 24